ATLAS II 26.03.13 Action Items

ATLAS II 26.03.13 Action Items

Action Items:

Waiting on approval from the Board of Directors, which is expected in June.

  • ATLAS 2 OC to develop a survey for the At-Large Structures for topics to be discussed during ATLAS 2. This survey should be developed ASAP. (Lead: Wolf Ludwig)
    • Liaise with the Capacity Building WG to collaborate on survey.
  • ATLAS 2 OC to determine structure of the week to provide focus for the ALSes while not detracting from the ICANN meeting.
  • TO begin with, three teams should be created:
  • plenary team - probably after Beijing
  • workshop team- probably after Beijing
  • ROI team (Lead: Cheryl Langdon-Orr)--this team is to build a program that produces post-Summit report and other tangible results.
  • Next ATLAS 2 OC call to be either the week of 22 April or 29 April, and Gisella will coordinate details.(taking into account Australia National Holiday & May Day holiday)