FBSC Action Items 2013-01-24

FBSC Action Items 2013-01-24



AI: HU to brief the FBSC on the meetings with Sebastien and Staf on the ATLAS II.


AI: HU is to find out the status of plans for ICANN activity at the 2013 IGF (in Bali, Indonesia):

  • whether there will be an ICANN-wide  approach to funding for that event or 
  • whether SOs/ACs should submit funding requests for workshop at the 2013 IGF (in Bali, Indonesia) like in FY13 requests for workshop at the 2012 IGF (in Baku, Azerbaijan).


AI - Staff to organize a call with the FBSC and the RALO leaders  and/or their delegates for the budget planning during the week of 4th February.


AI: FBSC members are to brief their RALOs on the FY14 Budget process during their monthly RALO call.