New gTLDs WG 05-12-2011 - Action Items -EN
ALAC Advice on most recent Applicant Guidebook
A wiki page is to be created to be a source for a collaborative collection of At-Large background material on the most recent Applicant Guidebook.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr is to assist in adding material to the wiki page on the background of At-Large comments regarding the Applicant Guidebook.
Objection Process: Discussion and Blue Sky
Need to start a new bullet point on the Blue Sky wiki to list issues that might be objections.
Formal objections to applications can be filed on any of four enumerated grounds
At-Large believes there are two points for objection: limited public interest and At-Large community objections (TBC)
At-Large new gTLD WG to continue Blue Sky Exercise for two additional weeks.
Solid progress on the Objection Process is to be made by the ICANN Meeting in Costa Rica (Week 11, 2012)
WG Members are to continue contributing comments on the wiki.
WG members to (re)read the relevant pages in the Guidebook on the ALAC Objections. Especially section dealing with At-Large Objections: