Zoom chat: 2022-11-28 ICANN76 Planning Committee Call
00:55:29 Joanna Kulesza: As a side note_ Wufoo is an impressive planning tool https://icann.wufoo.com/reports/plenary-session-topic-proposals-76
00:57:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Indeed @JZ
01:00:34 Naveed: Hello All. Apologies for joining late
01:00:41 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: https://icann.wufoo.com/reports/plenary-session-topic-proposals-76
01:01:33 Chokri Ben Romdhane: I think that the ALAC proposed topic is very specific and it will be very hard for public to participate on this pelenery session
01:03:41 Chokri Ben Romdhane: for the bylaws topic and national legislation, there is a large landscape of legislation in the world and I wonder if session could cover all
01:05:26 Joanna Kulesza: We could host a dedicated session that would combine/complement 2 and 3 looking at developing infrastructures, see e.g. here: https://spacenews.com/esa-seeks-funding-for-navigation-technology-programs-at-ministerial/
01:05:40 Chokri Ben Romdhane: I really appreciate the third topic about Evolving MSM if will be confronted to ICANN MSM since this last is very specific
01:10:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: of all 3 proposals this topic 3 is the one I support the least
01:10:39 Mouloud Khelif - ICANN75 Fellow: @Sebastien +1
01:10:52 Joanna Kulesza: I'd tend to agree 2 and 3 are complementary so might wish to chose one. Curious if the proposal submissions are still pending? Can we expect more?
01:11:15 Joanna Kulesza: I personally love both: 2 and 3 but would indeed likely see them combined.
01:11:29 Naveed: 3 is implicitly included in 2 i believe, in a way
01:11:40 Naveed: +1 Joanna
01:12:23 Abdulkarim Oloyede: +1 . Think Topic 3 is Quite relevant
01:13:01 Chokri Ben Romdhane: +1 @joanna
01:13:08 Sarah Kiden: The reason we would want to go with topic 1 is because of the discussions about applicant support. Meetings started last week so it would be helpful for us to discuss this
01:13:51 Joanna Kulesza: Nothing from GNSO?
01:13:54 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Correct, Jonathan.
01:14:16 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Those three plenary topics will be the topics discussed for selection.
01:14:22 Joanna Kulesza: fair enough :D
01:16:55 Joanna Kulesza: I'm glad to follow up with GAC on where we stand and be instructed on where we want to go.
01:16:57 Joanna Kulesza: Thanks!
01:18:10 Sarah Kiden: 1 + 2
01:18:33 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: This would be helpful for the call on 8 December for the SA AC Chairs
01:18:36 Joanna Kulesza: My loyalty is all with 1, my heart is with 3, sorry! <3
01:18:38 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Poll on its way :-)
01:18:46 Chokri Ben Romdhane: 3 for me
01:19:24 Maureen Hilyard: I like 1 for the plenary and we could do a joint session with the GAC on 3 if they would like to join us in this
01:19:52 Chokri Ben Romdhane: @Sara 1+2=3
01:20:28 Sarah Kiden: @Chokri …
01:21:30 Sébastien Bachollet: I would have preferred a ranking ;)
01:21:39 Sarah Kiden: True, @Seb
01:21:46 Joanna Kulesza: so we get 3 votes each, right ;) ?
01:22:14 Chokri Ben Romdhane: did the poll started
01:23:02 Chokri Ben Romdhane: ?
01:23:59 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NzBwMiSwhHdJcv1ny9GGdaq40du46y561s2euXfnba0/edit#gid=0
01:24:13 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: @Chokri - yes, we already did the poll
01:24:26 Sarah Kiden: Kindly grant access to the document
01:25:52 Chokri Ben Romdhane: @Michell seems that I have connections issues in all cases hapyy to know that the 3 win
01:26:25 Chokri Ben Romdhane: please give me the Acces to the schedule
01:26:55 Mouloud Khelif - ICANN75 Fellow: Need permission to access the Google Doc
01:30:57 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Document shared - please let me know if you have any further issues
01:31:24 Joanna Kulesza: As previously noted, I'm glad to propose a session on CB and MSM evolution, one best suited with the GAC plenary proposals.
01:32:00 Joanna Kulesza: It might have an infrastructure component but I'll adjust it to whatever we need.
01:32:43 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Contracted Parites
DNS Abuse
Subsequent procedures
Applicant support
Closed generics
Community Evaluations
01:32:44 Joanna Kulesza: Also, strong support for the cocktails component :D
01:33:04 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Topics and Session for At-Large: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=99735763
01:35:44 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: JS - noted yes offline
01:35:54 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: JZ - offline
01:36:39 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Welcome Claire !
01:37:05 Claire Craig: Thanks Silvia
01:40:26 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: The RALO coordination meeting timing will be discussed during the upcoming RALO Coordination call.
01:41:23 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Hands up Sarah and Heidi
01:43:16 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I need to drop and join another call shortly
01:44:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: bye for now then...
01:44:37 Maureen Hilyard: Bye Cheryl
01:45:00 Sarah Kiden: Thank you, Heidi. Yes, I meant ALS mobilisation so I see what you mean about having them as separate discussions
01:48:25 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: Bye all
01:48:25 Joanna Kulesza: thanks all!
01:48:28 Natalia Filina: thanks JZ and all!
01:48:29 Chantelle Doerksen - ICANN Org: Thank you
01:48:30 Lilian Deluque: bye
01:48:31 Claire Craig: Thanks all