Zoom chat: 2020-06-01 At-Large Capacity Building Webinar
00:43:17 Claudia Ruiz : Welcome all to the At-Large Capacity Building Webinar 'Geopolitics and Cybersecurity'
00:47:46 Gopal Tadepalli: Greetings from Chennai, India.
00:47:55 Abdeldjalil BACHAR Bong: Bonsoir/Bonjour à tous depuis le Tchad
00:48:16 Abdeldjalil BACHAR Bong: hello everyone from Chad
00:48:30 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and Australia
00:48:36 Herb Waye: Greetings everyone Bonjour à tous
00:48:58 Michelle DeSmyter: RTT Link: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:49:17 Glenn McKnight: @herb Boujour a tous too:)
00:49:50 León Sánchez: Thanks for the invitation Joanna! It’s always a pleasure to come back home and share time with you all
00:52:39 Nigel Hickson: Good evening from London.
00:52:48 Claudia Ruiz: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/xk-wBQ
01:07:11 Nigel Hickson: CSTD will meet next week (from 9th -11th) virtually with UN SG WSIS Report on agenda
01:08:23 Martin Sutton: Thank you Nigel for the info - hope all is well.
01:08:54 Joanna Kulesza: Please see here for our agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99635142/2020-06-01+At-Large+Capacity+Building+Webinar+Geopolitics+and+Cybersecurity
01:09:00 Veni Markovski: https://www.un.org/disarmament/open-ended-working-group/
01:09:01 MICHEL TCHONANG LINZE: Merci pour cette information Nigel
01:09:42 Joanna Kulesza: Do feel free to put your questions in the Q&A panel, we will make sure to address them in the Q&A session.
01:11:36 Javier Rua-Jovet: <Question> Veni, is there a way in which ICANN org communicates ICANN community positions in diplomatic contexts?
01:15:03 Claudia Ruiz: Please use Q&A Pod to ask your question
01:15:11 Gisella Gruber: Please use the Q&A pod for all questions
01:15:32 León Sánchez: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/strategic-plan-2021-2025-24jun19-en.pdf
01:15:36 Veni Markovski: Here’s a brief overview I wrote couple of months ago: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/brief-overview-un-deliberations-cybersecurity-cybercrime-28feb20-en.pdf
01:16:01 Veni Markovski: And here’s Mandy Carver’s blog I mentioned: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/icann-s-information-briefings-for-un-diplomats-goes-virtual
01:16:22 León Sánchez: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/legislative-regulatory-30jan19-en.pdf
01:18:31 Gopal Tadepalli: Thank You. Anna University has around 600 affiliated Engineering Colleges [approx. 100,000 Students/year] all over Tamilnadu, India. UNESCO is associated with our annual Techno-Management Festival "KURUKSHETRA" in the CEG Campus where I work. It is the question of "meaning" in a multi-stakeholder context that needs a conclusive method. Otherwise technology can perpetuate anything. Your thoughts..- Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna, University, Chennai.
01:19:50 Veni Markovski: Also, please, check other GE publications on issues of interest for ALAC here: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/government-engagement-publications-2020-03-02-en
01:21:28 León Sánchez: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/proposed-org-engagement-govt-standards-charter-25feb19-en.pdf
01:23:48 Veni Markovski: Please, everyone, also, if interested in Internet Governance issues, join this mailing list:
01:23:49 Veni Markovski: https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ccwg-internet-governance
01:24:14 León Sánchez: Thank you Michel
01:26:14 Chris Mondini: Hi Javier! Hi Leon! Thanks for joining this.
01:26:42 Jonathan Zuck: We’re working on a Powerpoint class!
01:27:48 León Sánchez: Thanks Vanda! Thanks Chris!
01:28:32 Gopal Tadepalli: Many thanks the the links shared.
01:28:58 Joanna Kulesza: @DOnna, the slides are linked to our agenda, please see here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99635142/2020-06-01+At-Large+Capacity+Building+Webinar+Geopolitics+and+Cybersecurity
01:29:16 León Sánchez: I hope you find them useful Gopal
01:32:06 Gopal Tadepalli: I wish that in the one -page PDF shared by Leon, the term "Ethics" is included. Ethics provisions for "personal best answer" in a given context. - Dr. T V Gopal
01:32:09 Jonathan Zuck: Or Taiwan!
01:32:30 Glenn McKnight: I guess not Texas:0
01:32:40 Glenn McKnight: :)
01:38:09 Gopal Tadepalli: Point to Ponder: Traditionally, I do not see a way of having a Legal [not only a moral framework] without knowing / scoping "Snake Charming" an ancient Indian art. Just a thought to chat. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, India
01:39:45 Veni Markovski: Just to add (with my hat as an IGF MAG member): so far the IGF in Poland is *not* transferred into a virtual one.
01:39:59 Veni Markovski: (MAG -> multistakeholder advisory group)
01:40:17 Veni Markovski: More information - here: https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/
01:42:21 MICHEL TCHONANG LINZE: That's right Veni
01:44:32 Gopal Tadepalli: Nearly a decade ago, I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Nitin Desai, IGF for the Computer Society of India [CSI] Communications - a monthly publication of the CSI. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai.
01:48:22 Glenn McKnight: Covid articles here
01:48:23 Glenn McKnight: https://padlet.com/acalderon/COVID19
01:48:36 Jonathan Zuck: Unfortunately, I think the downside predictions are FAR more likely
01:48:57 Nigel Hickson: Thank you to Veni, Leon and Javier for very interesting presentations.
01:49:48 MICHEL TCHONANG LINZE: Very good presentation of all the panelist, well done
01:49:49 Glenn McKnight: thanks all
01:50:33 Tom Dale: Yes, very helpful and timely
01:50:50 Natalia Filina: Thank you all, Veni, Leon, Javier, interesting presentations, updates and food for mind
01:51:07 León Sánchez: Thank you Natalia!
01:51:55 C E: Very good Javier. I hope the end result strengthens individual internet users rights.
01:52:39 Gopal Tadepalli: "Tacit Knowledge" within the localized context is the crux. In my humble opinion, we need to build a "traceability" in the Local --> National --> Global loops. Your thoughts please.- Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai.
01:53:28 Sherif El-Kassas: thank you all.. and apology as have to leave early.. best..
01:55:08 Dr Laeed Zaghlami: It looks as ICANN is out of touch with current reality of the cold war between big powers? What ICANN can do to ease thensions?.
01:56:07 Dr Laeed Zaghlami: From Laeed Algiers It looks as ICANN is out of touch with current reality of the cold war between big powers? What ICANN can do to ease thensions?.
01:59:23 Nigel Hickson: Question: Do we think the upcoming Road Map on Internet Coopération from UN SG may help take forward the multi stakeholder model you have been discussion.
01:59:41 Nigel Hickson: Sorry. «
01:59:45 Nigel Hickson: «
02:00:00 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Not sure that holds as a "truth" AU has done rather well so farin the Covid-19 arena, and we are a democracy ;-)
02:00:43 Gopal Tadepalli: From my context, I do think that IGF and its permutations such as GIF and FIG all make sense. It is not the defined channel that is weak. But we need a systemic control to keep human in the loop. Just a case in point please. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai
02:03:25 Abdeldjalil BACHAR Bong: Great link to see the video on cyber stability and conflict prevention by UN security Council https://www.facebook.com/valismin/videos/598360900772450/
02:05:17 Joanna Kulesza: If anyone experiences any technical challenges with the webinar overall or this specific poll, do feel free to let us know.
02:05:48 Herb Waye: Can I ask how many participants?
02:06:04 Gopal Tadepalli: The time is in the wee hours of morning in India [2.30 AM - 4 AM IST]. It is fine for me. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, India
02:06:16 León Sánchez: Gracias Sergio!
02:06:39 Herb Waye: Excellent turn out thank you
02:06:45 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thank-you all and to the panelists Veni, Leon and Javier for the interesting presentations. Thanks to Joanna Kulesza and Alfredo Calderon also for organising this webinar
02:06:58 León Sánchez: Thanks Joanna for organizing this webinar and thanks everyone for your constructive participation and interaction
02:07:03 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Good to see that level of attendance
02:07:21 Abdeldjalil BACHAR Bong: woah merci beaucoup excellent Webinaire
02:07:28 Dr Laeed Zaghlami: Thank you from Algiers
02:07:35 Judith Hellerstein: Thanks joanna for organizing
02:07:37 Dr Laeed Zaghlami: Dr Laeed Zaghlami
02:07:53 Lito Ibarra: Thanks everyone. An interesting and complex issue
02:07:55 Veni Markovski: I’d like to thank everyone now - I saw your comments above, and thank for your participation and active engagement!
02:07:56 Natalia Filina: wonderful webinar, thank you Joanna, Alfredo, colleagues!
02:08:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks Everyone... Bye for Now!
02:08:13 Minata ZONG-NABA: Merci beaucoup à tous!
02:08:25 Natalia Filina: Bye bye! stay safe all
02:08:26 C E: thanks Joanna and Claudia for webinar!
02:08:30 Judith Hellerstein: what was the result of the poll
02:08:33 Abdeldjalil BACHAR Bong: next topic
02:09:03 Dave Kissoondoyal: Last minute suggestion - to do a Doodle poll before next webinar
02:09:09 Veni Markovski: Stay safe, stay healthy!
02:09:15 Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné: Bye bye!
02:09:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: the times are set to best suit the presenters @Dave
02:09:48 Dave Kissoondoyal: ok noted with thanks @Cheryl
02:09:54 Javier Rua-Jovet: Yep, time very comfortable for me (5pm Atlantic Time)
02:09:57 Javier Rua-Jovet: Ciao!!!
02:10:00 Dave Kissoondoyal: bye to all