At-Large Capacity Building WG Survey Group Workspace
The At-Large Capacity Building WG has established a Survey Group to:
Develop Questions with ALSes |
Identify needs of members of At Large |
Work with RALOs and ALSes |
The members of the Survey Group, organized by regional affiliation, are:
Region | Member |
APRALO | Satish Babu |
EURALO | Oksana Prykhodko |
LACRALO | Fatima Cambronero |
Current Draft Drafted by Oksana and Satish Babu
This was originally drafted by Oksana and Satish and received input from Fatima and has been edited. Comments are open at the ICANN 47 meeting. This Survey will be finalised and launched following the conclusion of ICANN 47. Please note that the questions will be uploaded onto Survey Monkey and the reading format will be much easier on the end user.
AT LARGE CAPACITY BUILDING WORKING GROUP SURVEY No. 1 of 2013 for Accredited At Large Structures (ALSes) Version 3.0
1.0 ALS Details
1.1 What is the name of your ALS?
1.1.1 Who is the Primary Contact for your ALS? (Contact details of the Contact Person for ICANN At Large Matters)?
1.1.2 Who is the Secondary Contact for your ALS?
1.1.3 What are the official languages spoken within your ALS?
2.0 Level of Participation
2.1 What is the number of members within your ALS?
2.2 How often do you physically convene meetings with your members in a year?
2.3 What is your main form of communication?
2.3.1 Within this main form of communication, how many members are active?
2.4 How many members are subscribed to your RALO discussion mailing list?
2.4.1 How many of these members are active within ICANN?
2.4.2 Has your ALS made written submissions on Policy matters discussed within ICANN?
List some examples
3.0 Lessons that your ALS can share
3.1 Does your ALS have capacity building (training/webinars etc) built into your systems? Give Examples.
3.2 What are some lessons that your ALC can share with the rest of the At Large community of how you have built capacity within your ALS with reference to specific ICANN- related matters?
4.0 Challenges that you encounter as an ALS
4.1 What are some challenges that your ALS faces in relation to participation within ICANN At Large’s Policy Processes? Explain.
4.2 Which of these adequately categorise your challenges? [Please select appropriate categories]
- Communication (challenges with access to the internet)
- Disinterest of ICANN related matters
- Lack of understanding of subject matters within ICANN
- Time Consuming
- Lack of relevance for many members within the ALS
- All of the above
5.0 Areas Identified for Capacity Building
5.1 Which category describes the area you need capacity building on? [Please select appropriate categories]
- Strengthening participation of your ALS within At Large
- Enhancing effective engagement with Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs)
- Cultivating interest within the ALS
- Understanding the Rules and Procedures within At Large
- Understanding Policy
- Mentoring and Enhancing Capacity for Individuals Serving in Advisory Committees or Working Groups
- Communication skills
- Other [Explain]
6.0 External Engagement
6.1 Kindly identify forums that your ALS participates in:
[Please select appropriate categories]
- Internet Governance Forums [Give examples]
- School on Internet Governance [Give examples]
- Network Operator Group Meetings [[Give examples]
- National Training [Give examples]
- Regional Training [Give examples]
- Other [List and Explain]
7.0 Tools
7.1 What online learning tools have members of your ALS been exposed to?
7.2 What features would you like to see within the online learning tool?
[Please select appropriate categories]
- Language Diversity
- Human Moderator
- Mentoring
- Hypertexting
- Hyperlinking
- Clearly written and succinct content
- Chat Forums
- Other [Explain]
7.0 Additional Comments or Requests
Thank you for filling this Survey