Zoom chat: 2020-05-26 ICANN68 Planning Committee Call
14:02:37 From Dave Kissoondoyal : hello everyone
14:04:45 From Heidi Ullrich : Action Items will be at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99730632/Action+items+2020-05-26+ICANN68+Planning+Committee+Call
14:10:17 From Jonathan Zuck : And the sessions they should try to attend
14:13:52 From Holly Raiche : Finally - time for the APAC region
14:15:16 From Hadia Elminiawi : The main thing we are looking for end users perspective
14:15:33 From Joanna Kulesza : Gotcha, thank you
14:16:26 From Jonathan Zuck : I’m sure that Drew Bagley and Laureen Kapin would be useful and interested
14:16:53 From Joanna Kulesza : Thanks Jonathan, I will take note of that
14:17:27 From Jonathan Zuck : See also volunteered to moderate that session.
14:17:41 From Joanna Kulesza : @Holly, I have no idea how you guys cope with our timezones - starting at 4 am seems challenging to say the least
14:17:51 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : I can always help out
14:17:55 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I would hope so
14:18:38 From Holly Raiche : 0400 is almost human (actually, it’s the ever friendlier time lf 0500 here)
14:18:49 From Holly Raiche : (sorry - even)
14:19:38 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Ahh OK sure G
14:21:28 From Holly Raiche : Do we want to briefly discuss the PICs session?
14:24:12 From Michelle DeSmyter : no
14:24:57 From Heidi Ullrich : You are not hearing me?
14:25:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Not at all @Heidid
14:25:18 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : :-)
14:25:32 From Holly Raiche : @ Heidi - you are probably muted
14:25:41 From Heidi Ullrich : now switched to computer audio
14:25:54 From Heidi Ullrich : I was on Adigo earlier but unmuted…
14:26:11 From Hadia Elminiawi : Ok Heidi
14:26:48 From Gisella Gruber : @Maureen - with you on that. I am happy to take the final at the end of this call
14:27:49 From Heidi Ullrich : Yes, Maureen - speakers would be good, too
14:28:06 From Jonathan Zuck : I’ve created descriptions for the PIC, subpro and DNS Abuse sessions
14:28:07 From Heidi Ullrich : yes
14:28:12 From Heidi Ullrich : Exactly -
14:28:40 From Gisella Gruber : Description = posted on the main ICANN68 Schedule to allow people to plan their days!
14:28:49 From Joanna Kulesza : :)
14:29:10 From Jonathan Zuck : Here’s a starting place!
14:29:13 From Jonathan Zuck : https://www.loomio.org/d/9vQLRk6H/icann-68-sessions
14:29:20 From Gisella Gruber : NOTE - we always put the link to the wiki agendas in the description so IF people change - speakers - everyone can click on the wiki agenda with the LATEST details
14:31:36 From Heidi Ullrich : Regional Leaders are a traditional meeting
14:32:46 From Jonathan Zuck : Loomio is to improve decision making OFF of calls!
14:32:55 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : interesting!!!
14:33:00 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : and they benefit from full service so works in th hr
14:33:43 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : so one for Networking and 1 for ARIWG Final
14:33:45 From Jonathan Zuck : And happy to put the ALS activation session back on the table!
14:34:22 From Jonathan Zuck : Sounds like a webinar to me, not an ICANN meeting
14:35:44 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : they really need a 90 min
14:36:51 From Dave Kissoondoyal : +1 @Cheryl
14:37:05 From Hadia Elminiawi : +1 Cheryl
14:37:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : NOT in Prep Week
14:38:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : any time at all
14:38:16 From Hadia Elminiawi : There is no interpretation in the prep week
14:38:19 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : but before end of June
14:39:15 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : July sorry
14:39:58 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Cheryl what about the July CBWG monthly webinar?
14:40:31 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : not Capacity Bld
14:40:42 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : it is more Admin and information to Leads
14:40:52 From Jonathan Zuck : And what was AMAZING was that I was able to FIND those descriptions instantly because they were part of a specific thread on ICANN68 session proposals
14:42:03 From Hadia Elminiawi : Yes I know that is not a capacity building topic, but if it was to be during the ICANN68, It would have been attended by I think the same kind of audience
14:42:30 From Gisella Gruber : https://meetings.icann.org/en/remote68-prep-week
14:42:58 From Joanna Kulesza : +1 Heidi
14:43:04 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Cheryl so maybe CPWG webinar is more appropriate
14:47:56 From Holly Raiche : Has ALAC been charged with coming up with questions for the Board?
14:48:27 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : it's getting that prep weeks are longer than the meetings!
14:48:35 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : so more an ICANN Month
14:49:13 From Holly Raiche : Good question JZ
14:49:57 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : for presentations pre recording makes great sense I would think
14:51:28 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Also with Zoom and bandwidth there is a difference with getting the room to "dial me" and getting the host to get the room to dial out to you that often makes a BIG difference in unstable or low bandwidth matters
14:51:35 From Joanna Kulesza : @Jonathan would this be something we would request from our speakers?
14:53:04 From Jonathan Zuck : Yes, @Joanna, we would get them to pre-record their presentations and save them as videos (I can throw together a quick tutorial). We can then avail ourselves of languages services to get translations and make videos that are available on YouTube at the same time
14:53:56 From Joanna Kulesza : I like that. Is there a way we could repurpose those presentations? On YT for example? @Jonathan
14:54:02 From Jonathan Zuck : We would request it of any panelist that planned to use slides during the session
14:54:59 From Heidi Ullrich : Should we invite Goran, Maarten, Leon to the Wrap Up?
14:55:15 From Jonathan Zuck : Yes, we have a YT channel to which Even can upload the videos and just leave them hidden so that they don’t need to comply with legal standards. They could be repurposed later as video resources after an IP check but we wouldn’t need to do that just for the ICANN meeting
14:55:47 From Joanna Kulesza : Sounds good.
14:57:13 From Gisella Gruber : https://www.lazatcooking.com/virtual-class.html
14:57:41 From Jonathan Zuck : They are the number one cooking school there on the ground!
14:58:17 From Joanna Kulesza : Man, this makes me miss non-virtual meetings even more.
14:58:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Sounds delightful G! but the second option sounds a tad more tricky
14:59:13 From Holly Raiche : Agee with CLO - would be very tricky to manage
14:59:52 From Holly Raiche : Maybe we watch and then have a take away on hints for Malaysian cooking
15:00:26 From Gisella Gruber : There are some amazing cooking schools and locations - such a pity we are not out there!
15:00:35 From Heidi Ullrich : So are leaning toward the first ?
15:00:44 From Jonathan Zuck : Perhaps Anna could lay out “substitute” ingredients for those who want to cook but might not have everything available
15:01:18 From Heidi Ullrich : so a hybrid?
15:01:36 From Maureen Hilyard : hybrid option would be great ..
15:01:56 From Heidi Ullrich : To confirm, this would be limited to the normally supported travellers from At-large, correct?
15:02:01 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Wise man!
15:02:10 From Heidi Ullrich : As we would need to RSVP
15:02:23 From Joanna Kulesza : Now as much as I love cooking, I ain't cooking at 4 am :D
15:02:42 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : indeed thus the hybrid might be fun
15:03:12 From Holly Raiche : Other ideas please
15:03:12 From Maureen Hilyard : @Joanna - I don't like cooking any time of the day really Love watching cooking programs though.
15:03:27 From Holly Raiche : Other ideas as well
15:03:32 From Jonathan Zuck : I’m moving out of the apartment for the meeting again so I can participate whenever
15:04:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : well noted G
15:04:56 From Jonathan Zuck : If we’re trying to do something else in addition or instead of this, that would require some prep as well. Are we trying to do jus one social activity?
15:05:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : that is what I heard Yes @Heidi
15:05:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : is GEMS doing a virtual?
15:06:14 From Yrjo Lansipuro : rr
15:06:15 From Hadia Elminiawi : I love this cooking idea - both options are good for me
15:06:25 From Hadia Elminiawi : GEMS is a good idea too
15:06:35 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Trivia can work for the wider socialisation
15:06:49 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I hate Trivia Nights but I will comply
15:07:01 From Jonathan Zuck : Go back and look at Skype
15:07:04 From Yrjo Lansipuro : Re:GEMS, there has been a lot of discussions on GEMS mailing list but technical problems seem too be quite big
15:07:06 From Holly Raiche : Maybe we could discuss on Skype??
15:07:18 From Jonathan Zuck : Or I can put them on Loomio…so they’re easier to find ;)
15:07:28 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : and SLACK and Loomio
15:07:43 From Jonathan Zuck : Complete with polls
15:07:50 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I look way too much time checking these tools out :-(
15:07:55 From Heidi Ullrich : We could also do an Asian-themed quiz
15:07:57 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : BLAH
15:08:05 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes you do
15:08:12 From Joanna Kulesza : :)
15:08:20 From Jonathan Zuck : Or an ICANN themed quiz
15:08:42 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : real trivia is at least tollerab;e
15:08:45 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks and bye to all
15:08:46 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Bye for now then
15:08:47 From Heidi Ullrich : AIs: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99730632/Action+items+2020-05-26+ICANN68+Planning+Committee+Call