2020-05-05 ICANN68 Planning Committee Call
2020-05-05 ICANN68 Planning Committee Call
Date: Tuesday, 05 May 2020
Time: 19:00- 20:00 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here)
Zoom Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/98587382754?pwd=S1RsN3NNVXRabHhwWHptcDNwSlNQdz09
Passcode: 289388
Adigo Conf. ID: EN: 1638 / ES: 1738
EN: Maureen Hilyard, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Barrack Otieno, Daniel Nanghaka, Dave Kissoondoyal, Holly Raiche, Joanna Kulesza, Yrjo Lansipuro, Jonathan Zuck, Sebastien Bachollet
Apologies: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Carlos Raul Gutierrez
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Michelle DeSmyter
ES Interpreters: Paula & Claudia
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Action Items: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
- Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
- Welcome and Aim of the Meeting - Maureen Hilyard (5min)
- Review of Action Items from last call on 28 April 2020
- ICANN68 Block Schedule (DRAFT)
- Approach to Scheduling At-Large Sessions at the Virtual ICANN68 - DRAFT At-Large Schedule - Maureen Hilyard / All (20min)
- ICANN Prep Webinars: Week 8 June
- Pre Week for At-Large webinars and calls (with interpretation): Week 15 June
- ICANN68: Monday 22 to Thursday 25 June 2020
- 6 blocks from 00:30-09:30 UTC
- Non conflicted Plenary Session Slot x3 = 05:00-06:30 UTC (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
- Main At-Large Sessions identified (AIs from last PC meeting):
First At-Large session: Welcoming with the Policy Platform and Talking Point Update.
- Topics suggested for main At-Large sessions:
- PICs
- How to encourage new gTLDs from non-Western countries
- DNS Abuse
- UA (including Edmon Chung and others in the APAC Region)
- COVID-related issues
- SubPro
- "COVID and online end user protection
Wrap Up to invite Board Chair, VC and other Board members.
- Next Steps - Maureen Hilyard (5min)
- AoB - Maureen Hilyard (3 minutes)