AC Chat: 2018-11-06 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement
Ā Claudia Ruiz: (11/6/2018 08:08) Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach & Engagement Call on Tuesday, 06 November 2018 17:00 UTC
Ā Claudia Ruiz: (08:09)
Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (08:59) Indeed it is!
Ā Evın Erdogdu: (08:59) Hello all!
Ā Daniel Khauka Nanghaka: (08:59) Hello All
Ā Harold Arcos: (08:59) Hello, @Evin,,
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:00) Welcome, All!
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:01) Please be sure to refresh the agenda for important additions.
Ā Lianna Galstyan: (09:01) Hi everyone
Ā Jeffrey Davis Jusino: (09:01) Hi Heidi, Hi everyone!
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:03) Welcome, All.
Ā John Laprise: (09:04) Hi everyone
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:04) We have Mandy Carver on the call. She will be able to give an update on ICANN activities.
Ā Joel Okomoli: (09:06) Thanks so much
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:06) You should be able to scroll on the agenda now.
Ā Lilian Ivette De Luque LACRALO: (09:07) Hi everyone
Ā Silvia Vivanco: (09:09) Hello all
Ā Claudia Ruiz: (09:13) Welcome Hadia Elminiawi
Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (09:13) hello claudia and all
Ā Maritza Aguero: (09:14) HEllo everybody
Ā Maritza Aguero: (09:14) sorry for the delay
Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (09:14) i lost the sound
Ā Maritza Aguero: (09:14) still waiting for the call
Ā Claudia Ruiz: (09:15) @ Maritza the operator has tried you 5 times
Ā Claudia Ruiz: (09:15) Do you have another number we can try?
Ā John Laprise: (09:15) ALS's should get involved with social media as they are able in AFRALO they should monitor and post to #AFRALO and @ICANNatLarge on Twitter for example as well as the AFRALO regional SoMe leads.
Ā Maritza Aguero: (09:16) + 51972714170
Ā Maritza Aguero: (09:16) please
Ā Claudia Ruiz: (09:16) Thank you, she will try again
Ā Joan Katambi: (09:17) helo Team
Ā Joan Katambi: (09:17) Icant here Maureen her voice is so low
Ā Claudia Ruiz: (09:18) Welcome Sebastien Bachollet
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:19) Joan, she noted that in a meeting with Sally Costerton, there were good discussions on how to increase collabration with At-Large and the Global Stakeholder Engagement team.
Ā Joan Katambi: (09:19) Thanks Heidi
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:19) @Daniel, the booth is a joint At-Large and ISOC chapters
Ā Daniel Khauka Nanghaka: (09:20)
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:21) We will have two banners - 1) EURALO; 2) At-Large
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:21) However, there will NOT be a tablecloth.
Ā Maritza Aguero: (09:21) Sorry, I will not be able to attend IGF this time.
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:21) So a paper tablecloth will need to be sourced in Paris.
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:23) Should staff create a Features webpage for At-Large Activities at the IGF?
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:23) We can post it on the website and include photos, workshops, etc?
Ā Maureen Hilyard: (09:25) I am bringing about 20 more APRALO brochures
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:25) We have a good number of AFRALO brochures. Many were handed out to people going to the IGF during ICANN 63
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:26) Apologies for the ringing. We are working with Adigo
Ā Lianna Galstyan: (09:26) yes
Ā Maritza Aguero: (09:26) Yes
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:26) Staff handed out all pins to members of At-Large
Ā Maureen Hilyard: (09:27) I dont have any spare pins..
Ā Lianna Galstyan: (09:27) I'd like to have one for me
Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (09:29) yes we can
Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (09:30) still no answer on who is bringing other RALO brochures
Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (09:31) and who is bringing pins?
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:31) @Olivier, we handed out equal amounts of pins to all RALO leaders/SC on O/C co-chairs
Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (09:31) every RALO got some pins. The EURALO allocation has been stolen.
Ā Maureen Hilyard: (09:31) Im bringing some APRALO brochures and I have some of the old pins but none left of the new ones
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:34) Please see all the details on the agenda
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:34) IMPORTANT: please register for the Technical Community Reception if you wish to attend. The link is on the agenda
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:35) Agenda:
Ā Lianna Galstyan: (09:37) I've registered when the invitation was sent by the ISOC
Ā Claudia Ruiz: (09:39) Welcome Matthias Hudobnik
Ā Matthias M. Hudobnik: (09:40) Hello all!
Ā Daniel Khauka Nanghaka: (09:40) welcome Matthias
Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (09:40) This is going to be such a short IGF. Blink and you'll miss it
Ā Mandy Carver: (09:41) I sent that information in a written form to Heidi as well
Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (09:41) with no day zero and only 2.5 real days, it's a flash IGF
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:41) The information Mandy mentioned has been posted on the agenda.
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:41) :) OCL
Ā Joel Okomoli: (09:42) Good plans though... well done everyone
Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (09:42) or a flygf
Ā Heidi Ullrich 2: (09:42) Will there be daily organization sessions for everyone in At-Large?
Ā Ā Lianna Galstyan: (09:44) @Mandy, do you know if there's a transportation/shuttle going from the UNESCO building to the PPF venue?
Ā Maureen Hilyard: (09:44) @OlivierĀ LOL!
Ā Mandy Carver: (09:46) No I dontĀ -
Ā Silvia Vivanco: (09:46) Thank you Olivier for your work on CENTR MOU, great achievement for EURALO!
Ā Lianna Galstyan: (09:46) thanks
Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (09:46) I will be remote :-)
Ā Mandy Carver: (09:46) As sebastien has said the security will make transport difficult
Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (09:46) Safe travels all
Ā Mandy Carver: (09:46) road closures etc
Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (09:46) Thank you all bye
Ā Joel Okomoli: (09:46) Bye
Ā Lianna Galstyan: (09:46) Safe travels all, see you soon
Ā Daniel Khauka Nanghaka: (09:46) Thanks you all Bye
Ā Maureen Hilyard: (09:47) Thank you Daniel.. and see those who are going to be there, at the Paris IGF
Ā Silvia Vivanco: (09:47) we willbe following the IGF remotely and promoting your participation
Ā Ā Evın Erdogdu: (09:47) Thank you all!
Ā Matthias M. Hudobnik: (09:47) bye
Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (09:47) on Sunday half of PAris will be closed as there will be ceremonies for the end of WW1
Ā Jeffrey Davis Jusino: (09:47) I'll join remotely, ThankĀ you all
Ā Mandy Carver: (09:47) Opening Ceremony and HL panels are at UNESCO
Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (09:47) 100 years since Armistice
Ā Harold Arcos: (09:47) thanks all
Ā Daniel Khauka Nanghaka: (09:47) And also probably stay away from riots and strikes
Ā Harold Arcos: (09:47) bye, safe travels all,,
Ā Daniel Khauka Nanghaka: (09:47) Paris is a centre of Strikes
Ā Mandy Carver: (09:47) +1 Olivier - Hence the Peace Summit