AC Chat: 2018-08-20 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement

AC Chat: 2018-08-20 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement

Claudia Ruiz:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement Call on Monday, 20 August 2018 17:00 UTC

Ā  Claudia Ruiz:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/L-TvBQ

Ā  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Hello

Ā  Daniel K. Nanghaka:Hello Jana

Ā  Daniel K. Nanghaka:Hello Tijani

Ā  Priyatosh Jana:hi Daniel

Ā  Daniel K. Nanghaka:Welcome to the Monthly Call

Ā  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Hi Daniel and all

Ā  Adrian Schmidt:Hello! Thanks!

Ā  Adrian Schmidt:Good day to everyone!

Ā  Ali AlMeshal:Hello everyone

Ā  Priyatosh Jana:hello everyone

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:Hello to all!

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:Hi Adrian!

Ā  Adrian Schmidt:Hola Alfredo!

Ā  Montresor KONAN:Hello everyone

Ā  Maritza Aguero:Hiiii

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Hi

Ā  Lilian De Luque:Hi

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Ohh Dear

Ā  Adrian Schmidt:That's a lot of eco...

Ā  Siranush Vardanyan:hi everyone

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:someone is speaking

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):looping

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome!

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:i am muted till needed

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:no echo now

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yes there is

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:yes but I keep on hearing this "yeah" yeah yeah

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:LOL

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:lol

Ā  Ejikeme Egbuogu:Good evening everbody

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:this is like a broken record :-)

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:What !!! Do we have gremlins on this call?

Ā  Ejikeme Egbuogu:*everybody*

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):We seem to

Ā  Maritza Aguero:Gremlins hahaha @Alfredo!

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:ItsĀ  1 pm for me here in Oshawa

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Started at 6 am with Satish on the 3rd School ofĀ  IG

Ā  Adrian Schmidt:Hi Glenn


Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Hi

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:HeyĀ  Adrian

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:@Adrian did they decide who got theĀ  ARIN fellowship?

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, the agenda has been updated. Please refresh your agenda page at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99611695/2018-08-20+ALAC+Subcommittee+on+Outreach+and+Engagement

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:ThanksĀ  Heidi

Ā  Lilian De Luque:thanks Heidi

Ā  Maritza Aguero:Thank you @Heidi

Ā  Isaac Maposa:Hi Everyone

Ā  Priyatosh Jana:thanks Heidi

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:Still hearing a Daniel repeating his self.

Ā  Fatimata:Hello everyone

Ā  Daniel K. Nanghaka:Can I just use the AC

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Congratulations to all the new SC on O/E co-Chairs!!

Ā  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Sara Kiden

Ā  Maureen Hilyard:A great Leadership team

Ā  judith hellerstein:congrats everyone

Ā  Fatimata:Thanks All

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Some one keepsĀ  saying thank you

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:It's the recording of the loop.

Ā  Lilian De Luque:congrants all the new co-chairs

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:before it was "yeah yeah yeah" :-)

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:New page to add comments to the draft SC on O/E strategy see: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99612307/Sub-Committee+on+Outreach+and+Engagement+-+Strategy+Plan

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:It sounds likeĀ  ElvisĀ  Presley when he finished hisĀ  show'Ā  ThankĀ  you, thank you very much...

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:This is NOT the same as the RALO outreach strategies.

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):it is a very polite loop though

Ā  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Eranga Samararathna

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:TijaniĀ  hand is up

Ā  Fatimata:I can't hear anymore

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:i can still hearĀ  Daniel

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):same here

Ā  Eranga Samararathna:Thanks Claudia

Ā  Fatimata:I can now

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:@David, what is the deadline for comments to the draft SC on O/E strategy?

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:The organigram/organizational chart is in the Google doc at: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1eLWtFDtIcCzr3PPBNtXmZq-2DtAtuHZS4FXBalsCNOJ4Y_edit&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=CXERzIws_vaPY8WrLB9yz2PICpecEh3yA9MaabnyyBk&m=6pGx_yoMvtWwzz0nCfPaY5b0pQ5PwJHxWRyLKTgENxg&s=HTrB1rIeRWV6i-eE0mpi2B3hsEAU2MrZUD0eMPEiexs&e=

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:We need to set a time. I assume we will do a face to face meeting in Barcelona

Ā  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Sarah Kiden

Ā  judith hellerstein:hi Sarah and others

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:+1 to a Face-to-face in Barcelona.

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, a meeting of the SC on O/E is being scheduled for ICANN 63.

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:90 mins I believe.

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:Great news, @Heidi.

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:At large reviewĀ  items

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Items #5 & #12 (related)Uneven contribution of At-Large to a coordinated ICANN strategy for ā€˜Outreach andEngagementā€™. Missed opportunities for coordination with other constituencies and ICANN staff.

Ā  Lilian De Luque:will be great

Ā  Sarah Kiden:Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late. My connection failed me today

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:# 7Excessive amounts of At -Large Community time spent on process and procedure at expense of ALACā€™s mandated responsibilities to produce policy advice and coordinate outreach and engagement activities.Too many internal working groups are a distraction.

Ā  Lilian De Luque:hi Sara!

Ā  Ali AlMeshal:yes

Ā  Fatimata:yes

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:The Google doc is posted at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99612307/Sub-Committee+on+Outreach+and+Engagement+-+Strategy+Plan

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:#13Need more systematic RALO participation in regional events

Ā  Lianna Galstyan:Hi everyone.

Ā  Maritza Aguero:Does the google doc is going to be opened for comments?

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:If you have any questions on the CROP for CROP or GSE staff, please post at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99620792/Community+Regional+Outreach+Program+CROP+FAQs

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:ThanksĀ 

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Its important to hveĀ  timelines

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:nope

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Deadline for comments on the draft Strategy: 3 September

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Deadline for comments on the draft Strategy: 3 September

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The TTF description : "The At-Large Technology Taskforce (TTF) evaluates and reviews different technologies and tools that can help the ICANN At-Large Community (including the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) communicate, collaborate and accomplish their goals and objectives for ICANN activities. These tools range from chat tools, web conferencing tools, captioning to anything that will help Individual Internet users become active in the At-Large Community. Technology provides the tools that enable people to connect, collaborate, and work towards making the world more accessible, enabling the benefits of the Internet to be available to all."

Ā  Fatimata:Thanks Heidi

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thanks for the question though Glenn any indicators on costs and ease of implementation of this SC's recomendations that we are making will also be very useful for the ARIWG to further process

Ā  judith hellerstein:I am on two calls at the same time taking a page out of Cheryl's schedule

Ā  Fatimata:I have serious connectivity issues today

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:The only two completed strategy plans staff have received are from EURALO and NARALO.

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:Echo...

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:too much echo

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:no idea what he said

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:lots of echo from tijani

Ā  Fatimata:I have to attend another call in 3mns

Ā  Maritza Aguero:What is the deadline for completing the RALO strategies?

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:I think it was Aug 5

Ā  Ali AlMeshal:APRALO is ready as well

Ā  Maritza Aguero:one week from today @Daniel?

Ā  Maritza Aguero:Noted please tat the cochairs have being reciently selected please...

Ā  Maritza Aguero:lots of noise sorry

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Also, without a strategy approved by the RALO, and approved for GSE, no CROP regional proposals can be submitted

Ā  Maritza Aguero:@Dev: Agree!

Ā  Fatimata:thanks Dev

Ā  Maureen Hilyard:It is unfortunate that the CROP or GSE team were not available, so that RALOs could confirm what they might include into their strategies

Ā  Sarah Kiden:Who are the Co-Chairs from other RALOs? I know AFRALO and now NARALO

Ā  judith hellerstein:people can submit trips but they will not be approved until GSE approves the outreach strategy

Ā  Maureen Hilyard:@Sarah the co-Chairs are listed in the agenda

Ā  Isaac Maposa:@Sarah they are listed on the Introduction section of Agenda

Ā  Sarah Kiden:Let me check. Thanks @Maureen!

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:@Sarah: AFRALO - Fatimata Seye SyllaAPRALO - Ali Al MeshalEURALO- Matthias M. HudobnikLACRALO - Maritza AgĆ¼eroNARALO - Glenn McKnight

Ā  Sarah Kiden:Thank you, Heidi!

Ā  Maureen Hilyard:Thanks Ali..

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thanks Ali,Ā Ā  be great to see this resent to satff to ensure it is officially received now

Ā  Sarah Kiden:Question:Ā  (From Ali's update) - Can we now use CROP for IGF? I remember previously it was no. Or did this change?

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:See Maureen's blog from her participation in meetings in Vanuatu: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CRALO/pages/98636576/Asia+Pacific+Regional+Internet+Governance+Forum+APrIGF

Ā  Matthias Hudobnik:can nobody hear me

Ā  Ali AlMeshal:@Sarah , No if it is not in your region

Ā  Maureen Hilyard:@Matthias.. sorry I couldn't hear you

Ā  Lianna Galstyan:so, for the upcoming 2 years the IGF will be in Europe

Ā  Sarah Kiden:@Lianna, that's why I was asking

Ā  Matthias Hudobnik:@maureen can we try it again

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:So two questions re: CROP I've added to https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99620792/Community+Regional+Outreach+Program+CROP+FAQs :

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:@Matthias, we are working with Adigo to unmute you.

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:1) CROP FY19 specifies that proposals can only be for trip to an ICANN Public Meeting or official ICANN-organized meeting. Can a list of upcoming FY19 ICANN organised meetings be provided and examples of ICANN organised meetings in FY19 ? 2) To confirm, since IGFs (national or regional) aren't organised by ICANN, an interpretation is that CROP proposal to attend national or regional IGFs are not allowed. Is this so?

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thanks Heidi... be good to have that blog page linked to the right reporting pages for future record... It was an excellent eventĀ  (I attended remotely)

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Thanks

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:I will speak about theĀ  IFF Booth Nov 11- 14

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:RE ICANN 63, a table will be provided with the following materials: Here is what we provide for complementary:ā€¢Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  6-ft Table with Skirtā€¢Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  2 Chairsā€¢Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Power Connectionā€¢Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  1 Screen Monitorā€¢Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Presentation Laptopā€¢Ā Ā Ā  Laptop Stand (TBC)ā€¢Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  1 Trash Canā€¢Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Pull-up Banner space behind the table

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:IGF BoothĀ  NovĀ  12-14Ā  No day Zero

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:i Ill make up a flyer of the list of speakers.Ā  Need update on who is attending IGF PARIS

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:At-Large at IGF workspace at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99613253/At-Large+Outreach+Activities+at+IGF+2018+Paris

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:This includes a sign up page for the booth.

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99612350/At-Large+ICANN63+Booth+Sign-up+Sheet

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Heidi it needs a tableĀ  for people to volunteer

Ā  Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Matthias - interesting activities.

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:How aboutĀ  ATLARGE Pins?

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, yes, there will be pins :)

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Keep in mind this will be the 20th anniversary of ICANN

Ā  Daniel K. Nanghaka:That is great - its going to be big

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Perhaps the co-chairs could follow up with people from their region.

Ā  Matthias Hudobnik:@maureen you are welcome

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:I need details to make a flyerĀ  for the session

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:no audio

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):he is in the AC and was in the audio bridge earlier on

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Perhaps a welcome back could be prepared to respond to people who show interest at booths

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Sorry - Welcome Pack

Ā  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Yessss Heidi

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):LOL

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:That happens to me more than I care to admit!

Ā  Siranush Vardanyan:please, note that Saturday we have Newcomers Day from 10:00-15:00 and all new Fellows and NextGenners will be at the Newcomers Day - just FYI for planning purposes

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:@Siranush, important point.

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:If Saturday is chosen, we will not have these newcomers and Fellows available.

Ā  Siranush Vardanyan:thanks, Olivier

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:@Alfredo: why are we not going to have newcomers and fellows?

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:@Olivier, with proposed schedule you mentioned that issue will be taken careof.

Ā  Maureen Hilyard:Yes, It will be possible if, as you say, to start at 15.15 on Saturday then work towards the cocktail event..

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Good idea to put newcomers in front and "oldtimers" in back

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:@Alfredo - thanks!

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:@Siranush, can a large enough room be used to after our session use it for NCSG & ALAC?

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:@Alfredo --- genius idea! Yes! We could take over from the Newcommers day after a short break! That could be super

Ā  Siranush Vardanyan:Just FYI as well, we also will hold Fellowship Social gathering on Saturday from 18:30-20:00, so you can join this networking event right after At-Large/NCSG outreach activities

Ā  Siranush Vardanyan:@Alfredo - this will depends on how Meetings Team will plan, I am not aware of rooms availabilities

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:We could also invite any EURALO members as there will be a virtual EURALO GA

Ā  Marita Moll:Sorry, have to leave. Bye all

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:@Heidi - invitations will be sent all around. But the Virtual EURALO GA is all separate.

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:and definitely not on that day

Ā  Maureen Hilyard:Bye Marita

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:For the record, I think that ending someone to an ICANN meeting using CROP is a complete waste of money.

Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Olivier

Ā  Eranga Samararathna:Bye all

Ā  Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond:That's just my view. And a view I have heard from several people in EURALO.

Ā  Alfredo Calderon:Bye to all.

Ā  Isaac Maposa:Thanks

Ā  Sarah Kiden:Thank you everyone

Ā  Ali AlMeshal:thanks all

Ā  Daniel K. Nanghaka:Bye

Ā  Adrian Schmidt:bye!

Ā  Siranush Vardanyan:thanks all, bye

Ā  Ejikeme Egbuogu:bye all

Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all

Ā  Lianna Galstyan:thanks all and bye

Ā  Maritza Aguero:byee

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Bye

Ā  Michel TCHONANG LINZE:Bye all and see you

Ā  Claudia Ruiz:Thank you all!