AC Chat: 2017-09-20 At-Large Capacity Building Webinar: "Universal Acceptance"
Mario Aleman:Welcome to the At-Large Capacity Building Webinar: "Universal Acceptance" on Wednesday, 20 September 2017 at 21:00UTC
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):hello my name is not correctly spelt pls
Alexis Anteliz / Venezuela:Buenas tardes, gusto en saludarles atentos a la cita de hoy. Gracias
Mario Aleman:Hello everyone, welcome to the call
Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):thanks
Adam Ahmat Doungous:Hello everyone
Gordon Chillcott:Hello, all.
Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):hello adam
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):Hello everyone. This is my first time here. Glad to be here.
Sarah Kiden:Hello everyone, Bonjour!
Sarah Kiden:Welcome Raymond
Holly Raiche:Welcome Raymond - and all
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):Thanks Sarah
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):with echo for me Tijani
Aida Noblia:Hi all
Gabriel BOMBAMBO:Bonsoir /Bonjour à tous
Alberto Soto:Hello everyone from Buenos Aires!!
Maureen Hilyard:Hiall
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):hi
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):how are you Alberto
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong:bonsoir à tous /// Hello All
Alberto Soto:I´M fine Cheryl!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):ð
Maureen Hilyard:Sorry I forgot to mute my phone.. my rooster!
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):Good evening
Holly Raiche:Great sound effect!
Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):I need french translation
Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):How I must dot
Gisella Gruber:@ Bakary - merci de m'envoyer ton numero et on t'appellera
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):welcome Don
Sarah Kiden:My call just dropped :-(. Requesting a dial-out again
Heidi Ullrich:@Sarah, redialing.
Sarah Kiden:Thank you!
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):Can Don increase his sound pls
Holly Raiche:Maureen's rooster?
Maureen Hilyard:Not.. Im muted now :)
Vanda Scartezini:sorry to enter late - arriving office now.
Mario Aleman:Welcome to the call, Vanda and Justin
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):are there no presentation slides???
Gisella Gruber:@ Raymond - do you see the slides on the Adobe Connect?
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):No, i cant see any presentation slides
Justine Chew:@Mario, it's JustinE ;-)
Mario Aleman:Welcome Justine! Sorry for the typo
Mario Aleman:Welcome!
Gisella Gruber:@ Raymond - the slides will be available here very shortly
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):Thanks Gruber. Forgive, am new here
Mario Aleman:@Raymond, please find the current presentation here
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):Thanks Mario
Holly Raiche:An action item for discussion in Abu Dhabi?
Holly Raiche:What about ISOC as well - with all their chapters?
Holly Raiche:That's a disappointment!
Justine Chew:@Holly: Ditto!
Alberto Soto:we have a puppy participating..
Sarah Kiden:Thank you, Don!
Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Don
Alberto Soto:Thanks Don
Gabriel BOMBAMBO:On peut connaître le navigateur qui a support tous les tests évoqués .?
Gabriel BOMBAMBO:supporté svp
Holly Raiche:Folks - I have to be downtown soon so I have to sign off now, but thanks to Tijani for organising this and thanks to Don for the presentation
Mario Aleman:You are very welcome, Holly. Have a good rest of your day
Don Hollander:Notice the above did NOT linkify. But will
Aida Noblia:It is not easy but it is very interesting
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies for not having the survey questions at hand.
Amal Al-Saqqaf /ISOC-Yemen:Thanks all!
Sarah Kiden:Thank you. Useful webinar!
Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Tijani and Don for your presentation
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):bye ð t
Aida Noblia:thank you very much all
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Don. Very interesting.
Krishna Seeburn - Kris:thanks bye
Sarah Kiden:Bye
Gordon Chillcott:Thankyou!
Gabriel BOMBAMBO:bye
Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):bye$
Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):good night everyone. bye