Outreach Materials
Outreach Materials
Podcast on "What is ALAC and At-Large" with ALAC Chair, Olivier Crepin-Leblond
- At-Large LinkedIn Page
- At-Large Flickr Page
An Introduction to the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and the At-Large Community - Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Chair of ALAC - April 2013
Presentation to the ICANN Board on At-Large by Sebastien Bachollet, ICANN Board Member
Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs)
At-Large Structures (ALSes)
Beginner's Guides
ICANN Beginner's Guides are booklets intended to help newcomers to a topic quickly grasp the basics.
- Beginner's Guide to ALSes
- Beginner's Guide to Domain Names
- Beginner's Guide to Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses
- Beginner's Guide to Participating in ICANN
- Beginner's Guide to Participating in At-Large
- Beginner's Guide to Policy Advice in the At-Large Advisory Committee
New gTLDs
Global Stakeholder's Engagement (GSE) Communications Materials
- GSE Communications page - has a collection of outreach resources by the ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Team.
- Speakers Bureau Handouts page has handouts on topics such as IDNs, new gTLDs, IPv6 allbeit not from an At-Large perspective.
Glenn McKnight and Maureen have been investigating the use of e-books, looking at various tools to create Ebooks. Here's are several materials done by Glenn and Maureen:
- How to create an EBOOK http://online.fliphtml5.com/mebb/ecuk/
- Working Group Slideshows: https://apralo2015.wordpress.com/at-large-webinar-ebooks/
- Working Groups Part One http://online.anyflip.com/xqto/ftpc/mobile/index.html
- Working Groups Part Two http://anyflip.com/xqto/miuf
- ALS and Volunteer Engagement Within Work Groups http://online.anyflip.com/xqto/fyvf/
- Introduction to the Technology Taskforce http://online.fliphtml5.com/mebb/ofwq/
- IANA Function http://fliphtml5.com/mebb/mkis
- ALS Beginners Guide http://fliphtml5.com/mebb/ylxw
- New Membership Guide to ALAC http://fliphtml5.com/mebb/lwes
- CCWG Draft Accountability Proposal http://fliphtml5.com/mebb/wnav - includes Spanish Audio track
- NARALO Slideshow http://online.anyflip.com/wluv/ecsf/