At-Large Metrics Working Group 2014.12.11 Action Items

At-Large Metrics Working Group 2014.12.11 Action Items

Action Items:

1. Note -   conversation needs to happen with ICANN legal on early intervention - MOU's containing metric provisions

3. A small Sub Committee will be created to work during the next 10 days**  to draft a document with detailed metric proposals.

** AI Modification / Update

Due to an unprecedented heavy work demand on volunteer time being necessarily committed to the time critical CWG and CCWG WG's and their sub-processes;  This drafting team will be on hold until the CWG / CCWG documents on DRAFT Proposals go out to public comment (predicted to be in early April 2015) during the PC phase this DT will convene and undertake this Metrics specific work so that the ALAC  can consider and discuss at or before their meeting(s) in Buenos Aires in June for ICANN #53.

4. Next calls:
Thursday 11 December 2014 at 1700 UTC
 Thursday 8 January 2015 at 1700 UTC