Action Items 20 August 2009 en

Action Items 20 August 2009 en

  1. reminder to LACRALO list on how to track updates and changes to the LACRALO wiki using RSS
  2. arrange for teleconference with ALAC liaison to ccNSO with the goal of improving dialogue with ccTLDs and ALSes
  3. develop document/tool to help more effective LACRALO participation in the At-Large Working Groups
  4. Secretariat to post urgent request to LACRALO ALSes to provide information on upcoming meetings in the LACRALO region in the following categories:
    • Regional IGF Preparatory Meetings
    • TLD meetings
    • Other meetings - national Internet related meetings and
    • Other Internet meetings where At-Large members are attending

Also, ALSes to provide information submitted to governments by At-Large community members with information about ICANN included
Information is required for ALAC call with new ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom taking place on 25 August 2009

5. confirm a date and time for a LACRALO meeting that will take place during the Seoul Meeting before 1st September 2009