Action Items 20 August 2009 en
Action Items 20 August 2009 en
- reminder to LACRALO list on how to track updates and changes to the LACRALO wiki using RSS
- arrange for teleconference with ALAC liaison to ccNSO with the goal of improving dialogue with ccTLDs and ALSes
- develop document/tool to help more effective LACRALO participation in the At-Large Working Groups
- Secretariat to post urgent request to LACRALO ALSes to provide information on upcoming meetings in the LACRALO region in the following categories:
- Regional IGF Preparatory Meetings
- TLD meetings
- Other meetings - national Internet related meetings and
- Other Internet meetings where At-Large members are attending
Also, ALSes to provide information submitted to governments by At-Large community members with information about ICANN included
Information is required for ALAC call with new ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom taking place on 25 August 2009
5. confirm a date and time for a LACRALO meeting that will take place during the Seoul Meeting before 1st September 2009