General Conditions and Timeline LACRALO Chair Election 2010

General Conditions and Timeline LACRALO Chair Election 2010

General conditions:

  • Duties of the Chairman of LACRALO

The duties of the Chairman will consist of, among other things, establishing a link between the discussions in ALAC and the contributions made by the region, represent the region in the ALAC face-to-face meetings and chair the debates of the Assembly held through discussion lists, teleconferences and face-to-face meetings. (see principle 4 of LACRALO Operating Principles rev1)

  • Term of the Chairman of LACRALO

The term of the president shall be for one year, with the possibility of reelection. (see principle 4 of LACRALO Operating Principles rev1)

  • Nominations

Every member of LACRALO can nominate and be nominated for the Chair position. Self-nominations are also accepted. Candidates accepting their nomination are asked to submit a short Statement of Interest to the LACRALO discussion list.

  • Electorate

The Chair will be elected by the general assembly with each ALS having one vote. A country coefficient will then be applied to each vote cast to ensure regional balance (see Voting Mechanism for details).

  • Quorum

No quorum is needed for online votes according to the rules for virtual meetings. (see rule 19 of the LACRALO Rules of Procedures). Should a vote in a virtual meeting not be quorate, then the chair shall extend the close of the vote for an equal amount of time as the original voting period. By the end of this extension, no quorum will be required. (rule 11.2 of the LACRALO Rules of Procedures)

  • Vote Transparency

Online votes shall be transparent. It will be possible to see who has cast their vote during the online election but the individual voting preferences and the interim result will not be made public until the end of the election. According to the rules for virtual meetings, the Secretariat shall ensure that the complete results of the election, including the votes cast and by which voter, are available to all representatives. (see rule 19 of the LACRALO RoP). The Staff will send a detailed description of the election result to the LACRALO Secretariat at the close of the election.

  • Voting Mechanism

The election will be conducted via the BigPulse online voting system whereas each ALS will receive one vote. According to rule 12.9 of the ordinary rules of procedure, a country coefficient to ensure regional balance will be applied to each vote cast. The country coefficient is based on the total number of ALSes located in each of the countries represented in LACRALO. It is generated by dividing the Country Indicator (the proportion one single country represents vis-a-vis the sum total of countries represented in LACRALO, or simply, 100/total number of countries represented in LACRALO) by the number of ALSes located in that country. In other words, the specific weight of an ALS vote is inversely proportional to the number of ALSes based in that country. Shortly before the start of the online vote, the Staff will send out a list with the email addresses of registered ALS representatives for the online vote. The ALSes will be asked to contact the Staff in case the email address for the voting credentials needs to change.

  • Length of the vote

The Chair shall declare the length of time, during which online votes shall be cast, and the date and time of the closing of the vote.

Additional Information:

Operating Principles of the LACRALO Rev1: PDF
LACRALO Rules of Procedure Rev2: PDF