Action Items 16 July 2009 en

Action Items 16 July 2009 en

LACRALO Secretariat to document action items for this and for future LACRALO meetings.

At-Large staff to consult with ICANN technical staff on alternatives to
telephone for monthly LACRALO meetings. Possible solutions may be Skype and
Adobe Connect. Staff will report back during next LACRALO meeting.
Key links: see: EN: https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?how_can_i_participate_in_this_meeting; ES: https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?c%C3%B3mo_se_puede_participar_en_la_teleconferencia

LACRALO to create/join working groups to look at issues and policy documents.
At-Large staff to work with LACRALO secretariat to come up with schedule
similar to ALAC policy schedule to list those LACRALO members interested.
Key links: current At-Large Working Groups - https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi/index.cgi?at_large_policy_working_groups;

ALAC-mandated At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=rJKtp8gl3W5-ZcY_xMpPg5w

At-Large staff to co-ordinate with LACRALO secretariat to have a LACRALO teleconference with ccTLD operators.

LACRALO to consider candidates for ALAC board liason to ICANN board since there will be a 14 day window when the call for candidates is announced by the ALAC