Carlos Dionisio Aguirre, January 16, 10.06am

Carlos Dionisio Aguirre, January 16, 10.06am

Este es un recordatorio a designar los dos representantes de cada ALS acreditada que pide el documento de Principios Operativos de LAC RALO para conformar la Asamblea General. Deberemos fijar para ello un tiempo limite y designar los temas y fecha de la proxima Asamblea. Tambien deberemos determinar si esta se realizara en linea o presencialmente y en su caso lugar de realizacion. De todas maneras debemos designar agenda, fecha y lugar de realizacion de la proxima reunion de Asamblea presencial.

This is to remember the neccesity to designate two representatives of each acredited ALS asked by LAC RALO Operatives Principles document to conform the General Assembly. We must to designate a deadline for that, and the issues to discuss for the next General Assembly. We must to determinate if this will make on-line or face to face. In all maners to be neccesary to decide agenda, date and place the next General Assembly accomplishment.

this is a kind of memorandum for what? I don´t understand. would you please give me more information? Mazal tov!

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