03 March 2009 GA Summary Minutes

03 March 2009 GA Summary Minutes

Welcome & Opening Remarks C Samuel informed that Internauta Venezuela, CETIC AJB and AUI Peru have been accredited as ALS during the 2 March Alac meeting. LACRALO counts now 32 accredited At-Large structure ALS.

LACRALO participants were reminded that they had to attend to all the activities planned on the At-Large summit program and sign the attendance sheet at each session as a condition imposed on the summit planners in order to get funding for the summit. The attendance would impact the future funding too.

> Roll Call and Credentialing of Delegate Slate

The voting process following LACRALO Rules of Procedures: each ALS vote is a weighted vote and each country is given a certain percentage of the votes in function of the number of ALS accredited in that country. The more ALSes there are in a country, the lower the weight of each ALSes’vote are, i.e. Guyana has only one ALS and therefore that ALS has 7 percent of the vote in comparison to the country with the highest number of ALS. In this latter, each ALS has only 2,6 % of the vote. The voting and coefficient can be seen on the wiki.

Answer: voting rights are to be reconsidered with sister organizations belonging to different countries (Internauta, ISOC)

Since a system of proxies has been agreed, the absent delegate must have given written proxies in order to be represented and participate to the vote. An internet voting must be fixed beforehand in order to be valid and cannot occur at the members’ own choosing.

The signing sheet will be the official roll call document

C Samuel suggests M Langenegger to be the Rapporteur for the session

> Adoption of the General Assembly Rules of Procedure

C Samuel outlined three key points for enhancing participation: 1 acquiring knowledge of the issues, 2 knowing how they make impact on the people we represent,
3 what is possible to do about the issues within the remit of both LACRALO and ICANN

  • The motion to adopt the amendment as proposed by S Salinas was seconded by V Scartezini and carried with no objections after discussions about whether the term for the Chair should be two years and whether a revoking clause should be included
  • The members must participate in the policy discussions in order to empower later on the LACRALO ALAC representatives to represent their views. With this view, they must sign onto the various email lists and use the RSS feeds adequately to be posted on latest changes, LACRALO has now received the tools it requested: translated teleconferences and documents.
  • A Vargas would like to add Portuguese for LACRALO in order to open up the participation to the Brazilian ALS
  • Sergio has made a request to establish commissions for LACRALO to work on specific issues. This will be further developed in other meetings

Results: S Herlein (LACRALO representative to ALAC as of 2010), S Salinas (Chair), A Piazza (Secretary)


S Herlein nominated S Salinas, seconded by V Scartezini.

JL Barzallo nominated A Piazza and was seconded by A Vargas Basillio

Votes in favour of S Salinas: Internauta Argentina, CETIC AJB, Internauta Brazil, Internauta Chile

ACUI Colombia, ISOC Ecuador, University of the West Indies , Vinculart Mexico, Internauta Venezuela

Votes in favour of A Piazza: IIDISI, AGEIA Densi AR, ADIAR, IBDI, AGEIA Densi BR, AEDIT, DevNet, ICT4D JM, ITPSTT, TTCS, AVEDINT

Abstention from: A Pisanty, F Maresca, ISOC Argentina


A Vargas, seconded by V Scartezini, D Monastersky, O Klaminski
A Piazza (as the one not being elected as a Chair), seconded by V Scartezini

Votes in favour of

A Vargas: ACUI Columbia, Vinculart AC – Mexico, ISOC Ecuador

A Piazza: University of the West Indies, Internauta Argentina, CETIC AJB, Internauta Brazil, Internauta Chile, Internauta Venezuela, IIDISI, AGEIA Densi AR, ADIAR, IBDI, AGEIA Densi BR, AEDIT, DevNet, ICT4D JM, ITPSTT, TTCS, AVEDINT

Election for ALAC representative of LACRALO:

Nominees: S Herlein and Lance Hinds.

Votes in favour of S Herlein:
Argentina: 6, Brazil: 3, Chile: 1, Colombia: 1, Ecuador:2, Mexico:1, Peru:1, Venezuela:2

Votes in favour of L Hinds: Guayana:1, Jamaica: 2, Trinidad 2

> Intervention of the contractual compliance service.

William A. McKelligott, Compliance Auditor made a speech about his service and introduced himself to the participants
