Action Items 21 May 2009 en
Open Public Comment Periods
H Ullrich will ask the translation service staff what is the timeline for the publication of translations and keep LACRALO posted when the translations of the draft FY10 Operating Plan and Budget and the one of the Proposed Registrar Disqualification Procedure are available
Members are asked to continue commenting the subjects currently under ICANN public consultation through the LACRALO discussion list. ALAC LACRALO representatives will send the outcome of ALAC 26 May meeting to the LACRALO list.
Sydney Meeting
Members must leave their suggestions for what their ALAC and secretariat representatives should be considering on the At-Large meeting schedule.
At-Large Meeting Schedule and Agendas
H Ullrich will send the links regarding past minutes of the regional secretariats meetings and about the ALAC and secretariat past resource allocations to D Anand and the discussion list. She will also inquire about the declarations sent on behalf of LACRALO in the past and pass that information too
Heidi will ask the Web development team to develop a Google map for LACRALO within a week and the map could be further improved during the Sydney meeting.
H Ullrich will set up a LACRALO Adobe.Connect room before the next LACRALO teleconference.
Members should consult the Adobe.connect resource for self-training.
Reschedule of next LACRALO teleconference
The next LACRALO teleconference is set up on 18 June. However, D Anand thinks he will be travelling that day. Therefore, if confirmed by Dev, H Ullrich will set up a doodle vote for another date.