28 October 2009 Action Items
28 October 2009 Action Items
ALS – ccTLD WG was approved by ALAC on 24 October 2009. Rudi to draft text within two weeks
By Nairobi, results from ALSes
In Brussels – would like to have ALSes and ccTLDs on stage to see how they can cooperate.*
From ALAC and Regional Leaders Meeting on 25 October 2009:
The 4 RALOs (AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO and LACRALO) that do not currently allow for individual membership in their RALO should explore whether additional measures need to be taken to involve individual Internet users in the work of At-Large, including their organizing documents. The four RALOs are to report back on this issue in Nairobi. (See: At-Large Review Implementation item 4.4)