20 March 2008

20 March 2008

LACRALO Teleconference for March 2008

Date: 20 March 2008

Time: 13:00 - 14:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Summary 20 March 2008: EN ES

Action Items 20 March 2008: EN

Interpretation: EN and ES

Recording: http://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/20-03-2008-LACRALO.mp3


Standing items:

  1. Roll Call Apologies from the Members (if any)
  2. Designation of a Chair for the meeting
  3. Adoption of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  4. Adoption of the Agenda
  5. Review of current status of ALS applications (if any)

Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the meeting. Some agenda items have documents attached to it. If available, the document is next to the agenda item.

Please do not insert text next to agenda items. The agenda will be easier to read without explanatory text attached. If you would like to add text, please create a new page and link it to a agenda item.

Remote Participation Details


Vanda Scartinzini
Wladimir Davalos (ES)
Rudi Medina (ES)
Jose Luis Barzallo (ES)
Sylvia Herlein Leite (ES)

If you are in a country without a toll-free number, please use the form at http://go.adigo.com/go/outlink.php?sid=7298. You will then get a dial-out to attend remotely. IMPORTANT: please precede your country code with 011 instead of 00. The dialer will only be able to ring you if you use 011.

The standard dial-out numbers are for English. If you would like to be on the Spanish channel, please send an email to staff@atlarge.icann.org so we can send you the instructions. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you are either not participating or participating in English.


If you have a problem during the call, please send an IM to the Adigo call operator at AOL/AIM ID: d4500

Access Code: 1638


USA: Toll-Free (North America Only): +1 (800) 550-6865 / USA Toll: +1 (213) 233-3193