LACRALO By-Laws-Memorandum of Understanding-Organizing Documents

LACRALO By-Laws-Memorandum of Understanding-Organizing Documents

At the 27th ICANN International Meeting in Sao Paulo, Operating Principles for the LAC RALO, as well as the Memorandum of Understanding with ICANN, were agreed.

These documents can be found here:

  • Operating Principles

English Version: Operating%20Principles%20of%20the%20LACRALO%20EN.pdf

Spanish Version: Principios%20Operativos%20de%20la%20LACRALO%20ES.pdf

Brazilian Portuguese Version: Principios%20Operativos%20de%20la%20LACRALO%20brPT.pdf

  • Proposed Amendments to the Operating Principles of the LACRALO Submitted by AGEIA DENSI, 17 July 2008

English Version: Proposal for Modification of the Operating Principles of LACRALO
Spanish Version: Propuesta Modificación a los Principios Operativos de LACRALO

The amendments will be discussed at the LACRALO Teleconference 21 August 2008

  • Memorandum of Understanding

Spanish Version: MOU%20Between%20ICANN%20and%20At%20Large%20Structures%20in%20the%20LAC%20Region%20ES.pdf

English Version (Signature Text): MOU%20Between%20ICANN%20and%20At%20Large%20Structures%20in%20the%20LAC%20Region%20EN%20SIGNED.pdf

  • Rules of Procedure for Meetings

Adopted 24th June 2007, LACRALO GA, San Juan, Puerto Rico

English: AL%202007%20SD%202%20Rev2%20LACRALO%20Rules%20of%20Procedure%20EN.pdf
Spanish: AL%202007%20SD%202%20Rev2%20LACRALO%20Rules%20of%20Procedure%20ES.pdf

  • Useful forms


  • Draft Rules of Procedure for meetings in French, English, and Spanish

Rules of Procedure