ccNSO Liaison Report January 2010

ccNSO Liaison Report January 2010

Report on last conference call - ccNSO council meeting 5 January 2010.

The agenda was :
1. Recap of Actions & Voting
2. ICANN Reviews under Affirmation of Commitments
3. ccNSO Council Workshop Nairobi
4. ccNSO Meeting Agenda Nairobi
5. Working Group Updates:
4.1 Incident Response Working Group – appointment of new Chair
4.2 Wildcard Study Group
4.3 SOP WG
4.4 Delegation & Redelegation WG
6. Liaison Updates
6.1. At-Large Liaison
6.2 GNSO Liaison
7. AOB

In regards the AoC the ccNSO will most probably go for a ccNSO representative. Comments will be delivered by ccNSO.

The ccNSO plans a workshop on sunday 7 March as a follow up on the workshop organised in Delhi, discussing ways of changing working methods.
We see the number of ccNSO members increasing during the last 12 months, which is probably a good sign of more participation at local level and an opening for us to get in contact with ccTLDs in the regions.

Working groups
The working groups are progressing very well. More details as soon as the minutes of the meeting are public.

At-Large Liaison.
Ron Sherwood pointed the group to the written update on ALAC's seven questions for the ccNSO to consider. Soon a response will be given regarding the introduction of IDN ccTLDs.
Ron also mentioned the launch of the Outreach Programme between the At-Large Structures and the ccTLD community and asked whether the ccNSO Council has any objections to the At-Large conducting a short survey among the ccTLDs about the interest of such a program.
The outcome of this request indicates the willingness of the ccNSO to cooperate and were asking to present a draft of the survey that should be send out to ccTLD's as well as to the ALSes. As such a draft questionnaire will be put together as soon as possible (ongoing at this very moment) and will most probably be presented at the next ALAC call.
Last night (Sunday 24/1) Ron and I discussed during a telephone call, the best and most acceptable way of getting forward. I proposed to send to him on Monday a draft of the questionnaire so he could help us define the appropriate questions to the targeted groups.

Plan is to present the questionnaire to the ALSes as soon as possible in order to obtain eventually already some response before the Nairobi meeting. If such would be possible, we could then present the first outcomes to the ccNSO to prove the value of this project.