NARALO Toronto Events Summary Minutes 2012.10.10

NARALO Toronto Events Summary Minutes 2012.10.10

Summary Minutes and Action Items

NARALO Toronto Events

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Roll call- Staff


Garth thanked all for the efforts,

Recalculation of the Budget

Fish Bowl-Staff

Certificates: List from staff of people who will be receiving certificates. Heidi mentioned that there are 54 people on MOU, and some people who are active, but not on MOU.

Garth: We will focus on the people who are at the meeting.

Heidi: will check with Wolf on why he is not in the MOU

Steve Crocker willl atend the event

Darlene: What about unaffiliated reps that have been active for a long time like Beau and Allan Greenburg (to think of just two)

Garth: We are trying to go back to the original members. We will keeo Alan's name in mind.

Evan: Alan was there. If we want to go beyond that we have at least 3 unaffiliated members.

Glenn: If you have something related to the event please send it to everyone

 Staff cooperation with "back end" of Interest form: This information will be sent to staff and we will be able to follow up with that person on the form.

Filling in table coverage:We have lots of volunteers.

Heidi: All the people who are volunteer the booth there will be another consultancy sharing it. Stay in the Regatta room  so they can get a sneak peak.

Final travel details: Check that you have received your perdiem.

Garth will meet with Glenn  and Eduardo.

The slide show will show the person's name, their photo.

Sponsorship: All of the actual sponsorship money has been submitted

Heidi: Because it is a donation, there is a whole process it needs to go through.

In terms of speakers,  the responsibility of running a ccTLD will be a different presentation. I have been in contact with Google and Affilias. Sandra will talk to Affilias.

Capacity building: I have developed themes for each day.

I have been talking to Dev who will talk about social media and possibly in the Secretariat meeting.

Do we have all other promotional items?

The banner, postcards, brochures, ready.

Logistics and Travel: The price of a cake is outrageous and plan b would be champagne/sparkling wine

Any other logistical issues? - none

Quick quesion: Agenda for capacity building sessions will be done in 24 hrs.


