NARALO Toronto Events Chat Transcript 2012.10.10
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to he NARALO Toronto Events on Wednesday 10 October 2012
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Agenda:
Matt Ashtiani:welcome all!
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:Can you share audio since I don't have acess to voice
Gordon Chillcott:Hi, finally
Glenn McKnight:no sound
Garth Bruen:hoi hoi
Glenn McKnight:My speakers are on hight
Gisella Gruber-White 2:No sound on the AC room
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Not connected - Glenn - are you able to dial-in?
Glenn McKnight:yes
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Thank you Glenn
Heidi Ullrich:Evan should be joining shortly
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Garth!
Glenn McKnight 2:The connection is bad
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Glenn has joined the audio bridge
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Evan has joined the audio bridge
Darlene:I would also include those who signed up prior to the MOUs, if they are still active and are present at the meeting.
Darlene:Agree not all 54 - just those still those still active and present.
Evan Leibovitch:i missed the name... which LS doesn;t have an MOU?
Evan Leibovitch:ALS
Darlene:What about unaffiliated reps that have been active for a long time like Beau and Allan Greenburg (to think of just two)
Glenn McKnight:My cell is 905 442 2167
Darlene:I agree with Wendy but Eric was never associated with the formation of the RALOs
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Evan. I've added them to the list I'll send now
Heidi Ullrich:Glenn, would you like a dial out?
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Glenn disconnected
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Glenn - we will call you
Darlene:You can put me into any empty slots you need coverage on.
Darlene:Did Garth just cut out? I'm not getting audio
Heidi Ullrich:No
Darlene:Dialing back in then...
Heidi Ullrich:Garth, are these the slides for the outreach event?
Evan Leibovitch:good topic. dot-ca is one of the best-run ccTLDs.
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Dialling back to Glen
Evan Leibovitch:Good balance of privacy versus accountability -- IMO they may have nailed it as good or better than most other registries, cc *or* g/
Heidi Ullrich:Garth, when do you expect to finalize the capacity builing agendas?
Heidi Ullrich:We need to translate them into FR and ES
Heidi Ullrich:and print the agendas
Evan Leibovitch:How about thelocal cupcake bakery?
Evan Leibovitch:damn
Evan Leibovitch:
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks all!