Summary Minutes 19 September 2012
Summary Minutes 19 September 2012
NARALO Toronto Events
Wednesday 19 September 2012
Summary Minutes and Action Items
Summary Minutes
Let us make an effort regarding the specific of time/location
Outstanding: Euro vs. /$? Affilias contribution.
Sebastian will be Speaker - Need Bio
Additonal speakers:It would be good to get the Bios and contact information. It is important to tell the audience
Glenn : Asked topic of Sebastian bio and topic to avoid overlap.
Speaker order:
1. CEO, 2. Sebastian, 3. Chair,. 4. Speakers
Outreach Event
AI: OCL needs a list (people who will be receiving certificates)
AI: To edit pages and format the Table (Heidi to do it)
NARALO Capacity Building
Potential subjects are great. If there are any other topics please add them.
Heidi: 7-8 am ALS capacity building on their own.
And then afterwards they will join Fellow 8-9
Garth: Streamlining the information flow should go into our sessions. For example: Broadcasting better the call details for each conference calls.
Meeting data re-organization
Plain speak for newcomers (new people may not understand where they fit in, or other critical issues, so we give the newcomers opportunities to understand)
Everyone has experienced it to certain extend.
Top down review for new members, who everyone is.
One was a simple application process for adding an ALS. Making it more user friendly.
Travel funding details: Who gets it?/etc. There are many members and some really do not understand the process. Suggestions?
How we publicize it? Do we want other RALOs wearing yellow as well?
Gordon: Was it the color to be supposed to attract ? Specifically for NARALO
OCL : Agree yellow for NARALO only. Can wear a yellow tie.
People within the RALO.
Heidi spoke with head of communications Sally and she could try to join.
All of the issues discussed above can be addressed with Sally.
Heidi Ullrich: We will be scheduling four, two hour educational sessions to run before each day of theICANN meeting in order to bring people up to speed on ICANN Policy, hear from the chairs of each AC and SO,develop a Communication Strategy and to plan for the future of the RALO.
Chris La Hatte will be joining the Monday's session.
Glenn: Communications strategy should be a big portion, because this is a complicated organization and to promote active participation. I have 34 videos which I shared with Matt. I am suggesting a kit or newcomer guide for a newcomer.
Garth: Part one and Part two over 2 days.
Glenn: Started kit; what is the user feedback, we can have the tools but if we do not know if people used it.
Sally is the new Senior Communications Advisor to the CEO and she is also working with Tarek.
NARALO Table top display and ICANN Village
Better description of what is going to be on table top
Slide show: To focus on RALO engagement and application process, one of the topics, educating members about it.
Glenn: The slide show says who we are what we do, explain how to be involved and benefits and process. 24 slides which need to be shortened. Visual aid.
Garth: Blank story board and we can use portions of the existing slideshow and everyone else who wants to be part of this discussion.
Transitioning person -we need to have something more engaging. The At Large page can be extremely overwhelming, how it fits into ICANN with photos of the actual members and then linking those to the videos collected , so people can see who the members are.
AI: To collect photos
Where we are on the brochures?
Heidi: We ordered the brochure and they will be there in time
Banner: the exclamation point at the beginning is missing
It will be corrected as it will be used many times in the future.
Planning and Logistics
Spreadsheet; 5,000 $ remain.
Question: Can we expand the budget to other RALO? No
Potential ALS? Heidi: In the past we were asked and the answer was no.
ISOC CO we could give them a possibility to respond and send a representative.
AI: HU to follow up with ISOC CO.
Mailing list: Are there any people who are not active. Some people are not responding.
AI: Staff to set up a mailing list for the NARALO Toronto Events Participants.
AI: Staff to schedule the next Organizing Call for next week at the same day and time.