Summary Minutes 05 September 2012
NARALO Toronto Events
Wednesday 05 September 2012
Summary Minutes and Action Items
Participants: Gordon Chillcott, Garth Bruen, Eduardo Diaz, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Evan Leibovitch
Apologies: Darlene Thompson, Glenn McKnight
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber
1. Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
The roll call was held.
2. Review and Adoption of the Agenda - Garth (2 min)
The agenda was adopted
3. Discussion of NARALO Toronto Event Activities - All (30 mins)
a. NARALO RALO Anniversary/Outreach Event
GB: Glenn is looking for volunteers for the table.
GB: We have one problem with one of the events we are planning. Elad Levinson is no longer available. Is there an alternative?
HU: We could ask Chris Lahatte to attend.
GB: There was consensus for Chris Lahatte to be invited.
GB: There is a possible slide show, which the group seemed to like.
AI: Matt to work with Glenn and Garth on a multimedia project. - Completed - I have contacted Garth and Glenn to move forward on this item.
HU: There are some brochures, but the ICANN Booth is not necessarily Staffed by anyone.
GB: RALO Certificates - do we have an update on this?
HU: In Prague, for those ALSes that successfully completed the ALS Capacity Building Session, we asked that the CEO, Chair of the ALAC, and RALO Chair sign the certificates.
4. Update on Promotional Items - All/Staff (15 min)
OCL: May I suggest that those who have attended X Number of meetings, that we give them a pin.
AI: Staff are to try to find out the founding members of NARALO and present them with certificates.
BG: Glenn is unclear of the amount of money Afilias will donate as the currency given was in USD as well as EUR.
HU: Fadi will be able to give a welcome address
AI: exclamation mark to be added to the banner.
AI: Staff to notify the NARALO Organzing Committee of the number of NARALO Brochures in EN, FR, SP.
- The speakers have been arranged for GOOGLE, Afilias and CIRA the details are in the WIKI planning document
- Afilias Sponsorship was vague on the final amount since Desiree waffled on the amount, In the past they sponsored 2500 Euros but not clears. She wanted a formal request from Darlene for the sponsorship and I have not seen a response. I understand Heidi has taken this task for clarification
- Fashion statement: As per the last meeting we discussed the idea of Yellow as the colour of choice for ties, scarfs, sweaters for the event
- Music: No update from performers will followup
5. Next Steps
The date and time of the next call was discussed.