2024-05-07 NARALO Meet the Candidates Call

2024-05-07 NARALO Meet the Candidates Call

Date: Tuesday, 07 May 2024

Time: 19:00 - 20:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones, click here)  

How can I participate in this meeting? 

*** Please note this call will be held Zoom ONLY.***

  Zoom Room:https://icann.zoom.us/j/97673579356?pwd=MEpWejk2bWFxTzB2K0Yrdkcyd1A1UT09  / Passcode: NARALOM07*


EN: Adrian Schmidt, Alfredo Calderon, Avri Doria, Bill. Jouris, David Mackey, Eduardo Diaz, Evan Leibovitch, Gorton Chilcott, Greg Shatan, Hao-Wei Chen, Jonathan Zuck, Jose Lebron, Judith Hellerstein, Kathleen Scoggin, Marita Moll, Mildred Weiss, Rookayya Gulmahamed, Seth Reiss, Waqar Ahmad, Yubelkys Montalvo

Apologies: Denise Hochbaum

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Joe Catapano, Giose McGinty, Naela Sarras, Michelle DeSmyter

Observer: none

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter

 Action Items: EN

Zoom Recording: EN

Audio Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN    

Transcript: EN


  1. Roll call - Staff- 2 mins
  2. Opening statement by the moderator - Adrian Schmidt - 3 mins
  3. All candidates - Introduction and personal statement- 6 candidates (5 mins per candidate)- 30 mins
  4.  Questions and Answers  – 25 mins.
  5. Next steps - Silvia Vivanco, ICANN org . NARALO Elections timetable:2024 NARALO Regional Selections


Current Holder of Position


Nominated By

Date Accepted

Statement of Interest


Term to Serve

ALAC Member 


Bill Jouris 

(Elegibile for re-appointment)

Judith HellersteinGlenn McKnight



AGM 2024-AGM2026
Evan LeibovitchDavid Mackey



Kathleen ScogginEduardo Diaz



Waqar Ahmad

Rookayya Gulmahamed




Greg Shatan

(Elegible for re-appointment)

Greg ShatanAlan Greenberg



AGM 2024-AGM2026
ALAC Delegate to the NomCom 

Alfredo Calderon 

(NOT elegible for re-appointment) 

Glenn McKnightAdrian Schmidt




Due to NomCom transition Section 27.5, the ALAC NomCom Delegate appointments for the 2025 NomCom will be for three (3) one-year terms and two (2) two-year terms. The ALAC will determine how it will allocate these terms. 

On the OFB-WG call of 26 April 2024, an ALAC agreed random generator was used to determine which RALOs' Delegates would have one-years terms and two-year terms. The results were: Two-year terms - APRALO and EURALO; One-year terms - AFRALO, LACRALO and NARALO. 

Eduardo Díaz

José R. Lebrón