2024-01-08 NARALO Monthly Teleconference
2024-01-08 NARALO Monthly Teleconference
NARALO Monthly Teleconference
Date: Monday, 08 January 2024
Time: 20:00 - 21:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones, click here)
How can I participate in this meeting?
Zoom Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/93913121357?pwd=bkhMRjhCZVBDYWJ1SUNmODFINnRsQT09 Password: NARAJAN08*
EN: Adrian Schmidt, Alan Greenberg, Alfredo Calderon, Avri Doria, Bill Jouris, Denise Hochbaum, Eduardo Dia, Glenn McKnight, Gordon Chillcott, Greg Shatan, Gustavo Ortega, John Laprise, Judith Hellerstein, Leo, Louis Houle, Marita Moll, Nancy Wachira, Ronald Petty, Rookayya Gulmahamed, Waqar Ahmad, Waymond Ngai
Apologies: Heidi Ullrich (staff), Ron da Silva
Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Naela Sarras, Giose McGinty, Michelle DeSmyter
Observer: none
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Summary Minutes:
Action Items: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
Audio Recording: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Transcript: EN
Roll Call – Staff (2 mins)
Welcome and Introduction to the Call- Greg Shatan - NARALO chair (5 mins)
Review of upcoming priorities for NARALO - Greg Shatan
ICANN 79 NARALO activities: NARALO Town Hall meeting, NARALO Plenary Roundtable (topic to be selected), and NARALO Networking event
NARALO UA Day activities:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99692630/At-Large+Activities+at+the+2024+Universal+Acceptance+Day
NARALO O/E activities
ALAC/CPWG ICANN Policy & Public comments update - ALAC members: Bill Jouris, Jonathan Zuck, Eduardo Díaz (10 mins).
NARALO UA Day Planning - Greg Shatan (10 mins)
2024 Nomcom Update - Alfredo Calderon (5 mins)
AOB - Greg Shatan (5 mins)