2024 Action Items - NARALO Monthly Calls
2024 Action Items - NARALO Monthly Calls
- Silvia Vivanco to coordinate with Greg and NARALO leaders the first organizing committee call for ICANN 79 NARALO events.
- Silvia Vivanco to send an email to all volunteers to work on the NARALO UA Day.
- Silvia Vivanco to send the NARALO secretariat job description to Marita, Greg and Adrian.
Organizing committee meeting in Istanbul - November 14
- Heidi Ullrich and Silvia Vivanco to investigate the possibility to hold networking events in the Space needle and monorail- in progress
- Kathleen Scoggin to follow up with Microsoft re a possible tour/AI discussion and the Seattle Center event
- Naela Sarras to contact Mark Mark Svancarek (CELA) <marksv@microsoft.com> (Microsoft in DC)