2022-01-04 NARALO Universal Acceptance Training Project Coordination Call

2022-01-04 NARALO Universal Acceptance Training Project Coordination Call

Date: Tuesday, 04 January 2022

Time: 17:00 -18:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)

How can I participate in this meeting?  

Zoom Room:  https://icann.zoom.us/j/99602840704?pwd=Z3k5YnpoN2pUQmhINW4yL0J5U0h5UT09 

Password: NARALO-UA1

**This call will be held Zoom Only**

Action Items: EN 

Zoom Chat: EN    

Zoom Recording: EN


EN: Bil Jouris, Glenn McKnight, 

Apologies: Eduardo Diaz 

Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Albert Daniels, Naela Sarras, Daniel Flink, Joe Catapano, Alexandra Dans

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz


  1. Review of Action Items - (Bill Jouris)

  2. Benefits of joining UA training -  (Daniel)

  3. Status of Registration - Jan 4 report (Daniel)

  4. Email to all registered participants with reading list  - google doc (Naela)

  5. Status of instructors, all confirmed? (Daniel)

  6. Social media promotion: Twitter, Facebook, North America Newsletter, ICANN org website schedule (Alexandra and all) 

  7. AOB


NARALO UA Schedule ICANN's org website 

Webinar Evaluation survey - WORK IN PROGRESS 

NARALO Universal Acceptance Training wiki 

ICANN’s 2021 Comms Efforts: UA NARALO/UASG Training Series 2022

ICANN org Announcement, Nov 16: https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/icann-and-naralo-join-forces-to-build-a-more-digitally-inclusive-internet-16-11-2021-en

Universal Acceptance Project wiki page:NARALO Universal Acceptance Training

Communications Promotion:

  • Invite via constant contact (“flyer”) – Target *before* ICANN72
  • Social media graphic – Target *before* ICANN72
  • Announcement + social media campaign – Target *after* ICANN72
  • Joint blog about the experience (NARALO-NA GSE) – February 2021

Universal Acceptance Roadmap: 
