Action Items: NARALO Universal Acceptance Training Project Coordination

Action Items: NARALO Universal Acceptance Training Project Coordination

Pending AIS

23 February- Course De briefing call 

  • Registration data: 
  • Daniel Fink  will provide gender distribution registration data.
  • Albert Daniels  mentioned that connection with Academic engagement is key to promote participation. For example, students participating from Jamaica got student credit from their University.
  • Languages:  staff will look into offering this training and other training  courses in French.

  • Social media campaign led by Comms department:

Social media in several platforms is key. Facebook, twitter, Linkedln, NA Newsletter. There is a direct correlation between social media and registration.

  • Alexandra Dans will share Social media engagement statistics after ICANN 73.
  • Course Materials and contents feedback:

Naela recommended to Re-vamp materials - training in person for UA is recommended so students can get hands- on experience and make them more interactive.

Staff will look into Visuals, videos, interactive tools.

Live Polls used by instructors were good.

  • Course Tools: 

Need for Repository of supporting materials for  UA links- there were lots of links shared in the zoom chat, they are lost. Staff will look into one single repository.

Tool for collaboration and interaction with students: Staff will look into a different system not telegram- but perhaps  "slack" as way to communicate among students and with ICANN org staff.

Certificates- There was lack of clarity about certificates.

Glenn suggested Orientation package to be prepared to be shared previous to courses. 

Marketing - Course was marketed as NARALO, but more people from all over the world joined, so there is a need to identify Regional aspects vs. who else can join.

13 January

  • Daniel Fink and Joe Catapano to prepare a short class evaluation survey to be launched right after zoom closes. Daniel Fink will configure the survey in zoom which will be launched after each class.
  • Joe Catapanoand Daniel Finkto prepare housekeeping remarks, rules for certification, ICANN org standards of behavior.
    Housekeeping, etc,
  • Daniel Fink to share the survey text with Alexx for Comms to review it.
  • Daniel Fink  send an invite to all to do a rehearsal before the course.
  • Eduardo DIazto prepare welcoming remarks to be delivered before each class. He will close the course as well.
  • Yesim Saglam will set up a call after the finalization of the webinars, for Thursday 2/24 at 17:00 UTC.

04 January

  • Daniel FinkJoe Catapano, and all to review the Webinar Evaluation survey - in progress 
  • Daniel Finkto send the latest "Welcome email" to all via external google drive
  • Alexandra Dansto re-post social media announcements 
  • Albert Danielsto reach out to Caribbean Academic institutions.
  • Naela Sarrasto reach out to Siranush so the UA course can be promoted among ICANN org Fellows
  • Eduardo DIaz to join the next call to coordinate his participation as the host of the course with welcoming remarks and introducing the project.
  • Yesim Saglamto schedule the next call for January 13 at 17 UTC.

16 December 

  • Daniel FinkJoe Catapano, and all to review the Webinar Evaluation survey - in progress 
  •  Alexandra Dans completed a graphic design with the bullet points created by Daniel. Silvia Vivancoto post the bullets in the wiki page.
  • Albert Danielsto continue reaching out to Caribbean networks.
  • Daniel Fink to send the email to the participants via Telegram before the Holidays and to look into any other means of communication more popular in North America.
  • Daniel Fink  to send the instructors bios to Silvia Vivanco to hyperlink the bios to the project wiki page.
  • Eduardo DIazwill be the Host of the course, delivering opening remarks and introducing the project.
  • Yesim Saglam to schedule the next coordination call for Jan 4 at 17:00 UTC.

  • Joe Catapano and Alexandra Dans to send Albert Daniels all the information we have so far about the course (promotional slides, announcement, and social media done so far).
  • Daniel Fink to come up with 4 - 5 bullets and with what a participant can get out of this course
  • Daniel Finkto draft a Webinar Evaluation survey to be distributed at the end of the course.
  • Eduardo DIaz  will draft a post - event Blog, in coordination with GSE.

1 December 2021

  • Silvia Vivancoto move up all AIs that have not yet been completed to the top of the AI page before the next meeting. 
  •  Daniel Finkto finalize one-liners in the Student Take Aways text. 
  • Claudia Ruizto add Albert Daniels to the NARALO UA Training Project Coordination project list. 
  • Albert Danielsto reach out to specific Caribbean networks once he has the documents. 
  • Joe Catapano and Alexandra Dans to send Albert Daniels all the information we have so far about the course (promotional slides, announcement, and social media done so far).
  • Claudia Ruiz to schedule the next NARALO UA Training Project Coordination call on Wednesday,  8 December at 17:00 UTC. 

November 18 2021

  • Naela Sarras  and Daniel Fink to get in touch with Albert Daniels so he can promote it through Caribbean networks.
  • Daniel Fink to come up with 4 - 5 bullets and with what a participant can get out of this course
  • Daniel Finkto draft a Webinar Evaluation survey to be distributed at the end of the course.
  • Silvia Vivanco to connect with Sylvia Herlein and Eduardo Diaz to discuss course outreach 
  • Silvia Vivancoto share the course announcement with LACRALO's and AFRALO's chair so they can promote it in their regions.
  • Eduardo DIaz  to share the course Announcement in NA-Discuss mailing list and ask them to subscribe to the North America Newsletter
  • Claudia Ruizor Yesim Saglamto add Albert Daniels to the next call calendar invite
  • Claudia Ruiz to schedule the next call for December 1st at 17 UTC

November 03 2021

October 06 2021

  •  Alexandra Danswill prepare the Save the date graphic for promotion in NARALO's Social media channels.
  • Alexandra Danswill prepare the Save the date in constant contact with more information for wider promotion.
  • Devan Reed to schedule the next teleconference for Wednesday Nov 3 at 16 UTC

September 22 2021

  • Daniel Fink to get confirmation from speakers with dates  and to note them in the wiki page.
  • Alexandra Dans will follow up on the pre- Webinar flyer to start early promotion of the training during ICANN 72 
  • Joe Catapano will be working on slides, with the input from Daniel on instructor's names, dates/times, instructors to be ready in the next 2 weeks
  • Daniel Finkconfirmed that each training module will have small quizzes.
  • Daniel Fink proposed the training module dates: Jan 20, Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10 and 12 EST time for 90 mins classes

September 15 2021

  • Alexandra Dans will prepare a promotion plan with ETA for different Comms efforts
  • Alexandra Dans will share prepare a flyer to be ready before ICANN72. 
  • Alexandra Dans  will prepare a blurb for promotion in coordination with Daniel Fink, Naela Sarras and Silvia Vivanco .
  • Eduardo DIaz  will draft a post - event Blog, in coordination with GSE. (repeated forward)
  • Daniel Fink to confirm instructors and number of sessions
  • Target audiences identified are: HETS for promotion to Spanish speaking universities (Eduardo to contact),Canada the government technologists group is https://technationcanada.ca/en/,  In the US and Canada www.nten.org might be worth outreaching, (Glenn) and Academic communities in the US (Naela and Joe).
  • Daniel Finkwill finalize registration form with inputs received.

September 8 2021

  •  It was agreed that he course will be held in English only.
  •  Target audience: Implementers, developers, academic settings. 
  •  Daniel Finkwill coordinate with course instructors and UASG. Certificate will be issued by UASG.
  •  Daniel Finkwill work on course registration
  • bill.jouris will draft the Agendas with At-Large staff for all coordination calls
  • Naela Sarraswill invite Alexandra Dans to the next call.
  •  Regular coordination calls will be held according to the schedule (9-29, 10-06, 11-10, 12-08, 12-22, 01-12)
  • Devan Reedwill send a calendar invite for the next coordination call Wednesday 15 September .  The Last coordination call in 2021 will be held on December 15.
  • Silvia suggested to ask participants to take the ICANN learn UA course as pre-requisite. Group to consider it.

August 12 2021

  • Eduardo DIaz will identify a NARALO project manager (Likely a member of the NARALO UA WG) to coordinate the project and promote it in local communities in the region.- COMPLETED- BILL JOURIS
  • Joe Catapano will prepare slides for UA course promotion to be sent to Eduardo by 10/1
  • Daniel Fink  will work on registration form and registration logistics.
  • Naela Sarras and Daniel Fink will coordinate with course instructors.
  •  Target date to start project Jan 20 2022, to allow wide promotion to happen before and after ICANN 72
  •  Languages TBC - perhaps FR for Canada FR speakers and ES for PR (depends on the need for FR or ES)
  •  Certificate of completion - to be granted by UASG