2021-10-06 NARALO Universal Acceptance Training Project Coordination Call

2021-10-06 NARALO Universal Acceptance Training Project Coordination Call

Date: Wednesday, 06 October 2021

Time: 17:00 -18:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)

How can I participate in this meeting?  

Zoom Room:  https://icann.zoom.us/j/99602840704?pwd=Z3k5YnpoN2pUQmhINW4yL0J5U0h5UT09

Password: NARALO-UA1

Action Items: EN 

Zoom Chat: EN    

Zoom Recording: EN


EN: Eduardo Diaz, Glenn McKnight, Bill Jouris


Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Alexandra Dans, Naela Sarras, Daniel Flink, Joe Catapano,

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz 


  1. Review of Action Items - Bill
  2. Status of promotion and social media, see google doc to start working on the event invite for Constant Contact : (Alex Dans: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MdF9kWHATzci_AQcT_hsFb0ynCLeEcjQruanGU6xMWY/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Status of UA promotion slides (Joe Catapano)
  4. Status on registration form  (Daniel Fink)
  5. Status of UASG contact re certificate (Daniel Fink)
  6. Status of instructors confirmations( Daniel Fink)
  7. AOB


Universal Acceptance Project wiki page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jGUV2AkHuXBCmBswKHd-ywEZRrzEXtMllELQpCOVjmA/edit

Communications Promotion:

  • Invite via constant contact (“flyer”) – Target *before* ICANN72
  • Social media graphic – Target *before* ICANN72
  • Announcement + social media campaign – Target *after* ICANN72
  • Joint blog about the experience (NARALO-NA GSE) – February 2021

Universal Acceptance Roadmap: 
