NARALO AC Chat 2015.12.14
Terri Agnew: (12/14/2015 18:45) Dear all, Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Meeting on Monday, 14 December 2015 at 20:00 UTC
Terri Agnew: (18:45) meeting page:
Alfredo Calderon: (21:56) 3 meetings so far...
Glenn McKnight: (21:57)
a: (21:58) Greetings from Allan near Vancouver
Glenn McKnight: (21:58)
Allan Skuce: (21:58) Rain almost snow
Allan Skuce: (21:59) We'll be warmer next month
Silvia Vivanco: (22:00) Hello all
Alfredo Calderon: (22:00) Welcome Yesim!
Yesim Nazlar: (22:00) Thank you
Garth Graham: (22:00) thanks glen
Yesim Nazlar: (22:01) I'm on listen only mode
judith hellerstein: (22:01) what is the dial in number
Ron Sherwood: (22:01) Hello All
Terri Agnew: (22:01)
Terri Agnew: (22:01) code: 1638
judith hellerstein: (22:02) ok got it
judith hellerstein: (22:02) i am on twice
Glenn McKnight: (22:02) Judith do you have voice?
judith hellerstein: (22:03) one for adobe connect chat on one on voice
judith hellerstein: (22:03) yes
Terri Agnew: (22:04) Welcome Seth Reiss
Silvia Vivanco: (22:04) All members encouraged add to the NARALO Calendar ( Link provided by Dev) their monthly events . Staff to add the GSE events 2. All members to provide to @ Eduardo Diaz news items of their activities including video and pictures to him. Staff If any new promotional video clips are available to provide it to Eduardo from ICANN
Terri Agnew: (22:04) Action items:
Glenn McKnight: (22:05) do we have the link to the calendar?
Seth Reiss: (22:05) @thanks
Glenn McKnight: (22:07) Yes
Yesim Nazlar: (22:07) sorry, it was me, just asked for a dial-out
Terri Agnew: (22:09) Outreach and Engagement:
Glenn McKnight: (22:09) Hi Joe
Joe Catapano: (22:10) Hello
Silvia Vivanco: (22:10) Outreach and Engamement WG:
Terri Agnew: (22:11) NARALO Newsletter:
Alfredo Calderon: (22:11) Bravo!
Terri Agnew: (22:12) ARIN and ARIN Fellowship Reminder- 5 per region x 3 regions:
Eduardo Diaz: (22:14) I am in adobe now
Alfredo Calderon: (22:14) Can you speak about the requirements.
Alfredo Calderon: (22:14) Pablo Moreno
Terri Agnew: (22:14) Welcome Alan Greenberg
Alfredo Calderon: (22:14) Sorry pablo Rodriguez
judith hellerstein: (22:16) only alan since we did not select anyone
Glenn McKnight: (22:16) yes i see
Terri Agnew: (22:16) Finance and Budget FY17:
Glenn McKnight: (22:17) @alfredo or Ed did you want to speak about ISOC PR
Eduardo Diaz: (22:19) We can talk about what we are doing
Alfredo Calderon: (22:19) @Eduardo, Go ahead
judith hellerstein: (22:21) Did you see my vote
Seth Reiss: (22:22) I could not figure out how to vote, but I like the current time, thanks
Garth Graham: (22:23) Aren't all political polls now self selected samples? (smiles)
Allan Skuce: (22:23) Second Monday
Silvia Vivanco: (22:23) yes we will do
Terri Agnew: (22:24) Policy Advice Development Page:
Terri Agnew: (22:24) ICANN Public Comment Page:
Glenn McKnight: (22:24) 5.1 CCWG-Accountability Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations - Alan Greenberg (15 mins)See Slideshows
Terri Agnew: (22:24) CCWG Accountability webinars 02 December 2015:
Terri Agnew: (22:24) Community Feedback Survey:
Glenn McKnight: (22:24) dec 2?
Terri Agnew: (22:25) that was past webinar, upcoming webinar meeting invite has note been sent yet
Terri Agnew: (22:26) NARALO Outreach Calendar:
Alan Greenberg: (22:28) I dropped
judith hellerstein: (22:29) it is not me. as i am on mute
Terri Agnew: (22:29) finding line causing echo
Glenn McKnight: (22:31) We still have echo issues
Terri Agnew: (22:33) still trying to locate line, as a reminder, please remember to mute when not speaking
Glenn McKnight: (22:33) go ahead
Alfredo Calderon: (22:34) Check
Glenn McKnight: (22:34) Alfredo can you provide the link to your video on the INTERNET DAY
Silvia Vivanco: (22:34) Thank you for sharing this information Eduardo!
Silvia Vivanco: (22:34) ICANN provided AC room access
Glenn McKnight: (22:34) Sound is better now
Terri Agnew: (22:35) The CCWG-Accountability webinar is Wednesday at 20:00 UTC. Here is the link to the public announcement:
Alfredo Calderon: (22:35) At you can see the outcomes of the event. Videos among other things.
Alfredo Calderon: (22:35) Fall in Love with Internet
Silvia Vivanco: (22:36) Please Eduardo send us the link and we will post the event in the NARALO OUTREACH CALENDAR
Alfredo Calderon: (22:36) Previous to the Saint Valentine's Day
judith hellerstein: (22:36) What is this chart?
Alan Greenberg: (22:37) Was just dropped again!
Eduardo Diaz: (22:37) You can find out about what happened the internetday event here:
Heidi Ullrich: (22:37) @Alfredo, could you pleaes post the video?
Eduardo Diaz: (22:37) @Silvia: will do!
Terri Agnew: (22:38) finding line
Alan Greenberg: (22:38) Was happening when I was off, so not me!
Tom Lowenhaupt: (22:38) bye bye Glenn Glenn and and all all.
judith hellerstein: (22:38) I think it might be alan
Glenn McKnight: (22:38) Please play the video
Heidi Ullrich: (22:38) Alan, are you muted?
Heidi Ullrich: (22:38) We think it is your line?
Alfredo Calderon: (22:39)
Alan Greenberg: (22:42) To be sure, I have disconnected!
Glenn McKnight: (22:42) bye all
Silvia Vivanco: (22:42) Thank you all
Gordon Chillcott: (22:42) Happy Holidays!
Alfredo Calderon: (22:42) Enjoy the Holidays!
Seth Reiss: (22:42) happy holidays all
judith hellerstein: (22:42) Bye all
Glenn McKnight: (22:42) thanks for attending
Silvia Vivanco: (22:42) Happy Holidays to all !
Allan Skuce: (22:42) Thanks, Happy Holidays
Leah Symekher: (22:42) happy holidays
Allan Skuce: (22:42) It was Alan
Seth Reiss: (22:42) i did not drop off, not me
Allan Skuce: (22:43) No echo
Seth Reiss: (22:43) not hearing echo either
Garth Graham: (22:43) Not hearing echo
Seth Reiss: (22:43) I keep my mike off the entire time because I am a mute person
Ron Sherwood: (22:43) Bye all. thank you
Glenn McKnight: (22:43) bye all
Garth Graham: (22:43) early ending a triumph