Chat 16 July 2012
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the NARALO call on Monday 16 July 2012
Gisella Gruber-White:Draft Agenda:
Gisella Gruber-White:Action Item 18 June 2012:
Glenn McKnight:Hi All
Glenn McKnight:I have limited voice via cell phone today
Glenn McKnight:Can I get sound via Adobe?
Gisella Gruber-White:i have not activated AC Audio - will connect it now
Joly MacFie 2:I have a prob too. My wife is commandeering my PC. I may have to follow via AC on my phone.
Glenn McKnight:I can hear
Eduardo Diaz:Hola everyone!
Evan Leibovitch:Hola!
Gordon Chillcott:I can hear you
Evan Leibovitch:Glenn, you have better luck than me at Adobe Connect audio!
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Glenn McKnight:I don't have phone connection
Evan Leibovitch:NP, we can hear ya fine
Garth Bruen:Hello everyone
Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone
Heidi Ullrich:Hi Everyone
Evan Leibovitch:Hi there Kieren
Kieren McCarthy:Hello all
Glenn McKnight:If interested I can provide a short update on NomCom
Silvia Vivanco:I will take notes, my pleasure
Glenn McKnight:Yes
Glenn McKnight:You are louder now
Glenn McKnight:Here
Glenn McKnight:My focus is the Table Top and the Wine and cheese event
Evan Leibovitch:I was going to do a small report on the Niagara day trip during item 6c
Glenn McKnight:Evan I connected for DOT GREEN Ontario's only organic winery in Niagrara
Glenn McKnight:FROGPOND Is the Organic Winery
Heidi Ullrich:The Toronto Events Workspace:
Evan Leibovitch:cool
Glenn McKnight:FROGPOND does tours
Glenn McKnight:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large Toronto Agendas:
Glenn McKnight:How many attendees
Evan Leibovitch:sorry to put you on the spot dev, but there is lots of experience to share on this.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:No probs
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Also, there were extensive LACRALO Costa Rica meetings to discuss proposed capacity building topics - one difficulty is that the Fellowship topics schedule isn't finalised until a few days before the ICANN meeting
Heidi Ullrich:The At-Large Policy Development page is a good place to keep up to date on the policy statements being developed:
Heidi Ullrich:Re the SSAC54 draft statement, there is a webinar on the report being planned
Evan Leibovitch:There was a statement on the new gTLD program madfe on the At-Large Summit, but a comprehensive statement on the program hasn't been made since then
joly macfie:I can seemseeseemseem't
Evan Leibovitch:Individial components (morality-based objections, IDN prioritisation, Applicant support, objection processes) have been the subject of statements since then
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Evan Leibovitch:@Joly... ?
Evan Leibovitch:There are few comments IMO because the group Dev has run on this has done a REALLy good job.
joly macfie:I can't seem to figure pot how to raise hand in the Android ac
Evan Leibovitch:It's not there, Joly. I tried and deleted the Android AC app. I found it nearly useless
Glenn McKnight:Darlene you are breaking up and then went silent via Adobe.
Evan Leibovitch:If you want, just say "hand up" in these comments.
Glenn McKnight:I am listening via Adobe not phone
joly macfie:K
Gordon Chillcott:No
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Darlene - I can hear you
Eduardo Diaz:ALAC ROP WG will have evrythin ready for ALAC by the Toronto meeting
Garth Bruen:Can hear clearly
Glenn McKnight:I am limited to the Table Top and the Wine and Cheese
Eduardo Diaz:I want to help but let me know what is needed.
Glenn McKnight:I need brochures for the table and members to volunteer at the table top
Heidi Ullrich:The first organizing committee call may make the needs more clear
Glenn McKnight:If we all do one of two hours during the evnt at the table would be great
Glenn McKnight:It is to do outreach
Eduardo Diaz:@heidi: when is this happening?
Heidi Ullrich:14-19 October during the Toronto meeting
Glenn McKnight:Evan I lost you
Glenn McKnight:Could be my internet Access
Heidi Ullrich:the first call of the Organizing call I believe is next week
Glenn McKnight:looking for the Party on Oct 15th
Glenn McKnight:The table top is through the week, Need banner and brochures
Glenn McKnight:Also a simple signup sheet for new ALS's
Heidi Ullrich:We have brochures - both At-Large and NARALO
Garth Bruen:As a diabetic, can we have a drink other than wine? Say some nice CANADIAN whisky?
Heidi Ullrich:Joly, how many NARALO pins do you have left?
Eduardo Diaz:I think that what we need is someone leading this effort. Everryone else (i.e volunteers) will follow.
Glenn McKnight:Yes, we will have items for those that are Gluten resistant and non alcohol too
Heidi Ullrich:The budget request sets out the number and duration of the capacity building sessions and the GA
Glenn McKnight:I am working on the outside sponsors, Google, Afilias and Cira,
Glenn McKnight:Need a vote on the main speaker
Heidi Ullrich:The Toronto Events Workspace has separate workspaces for the Outreach event, the Capacity building and the GA:
Heidi Ullrich:The budget request is for $25,000
Glenn McKnight:My goal for the special Wine(Whiskey) and Cheese( non lactose) is aiming for $10K
Heidi Ullrich:Glenn, just to clarify, the wine/cheese event is the same as the RALO outreach event/RALO anniversary event?
Glenn McKnight:Yes,
Evan Leibovitch:I believe that is the case. Best to confirm that ASAP :-)
Glenn McKnight:We esp[ecially want to honour the people with a long history of participation
Heidi Ullrich:Darlene, your audio is breaking up a bit
Eduardo Diaz:Darlene you are breaking up.
Garth Bruen:Here too
Glenn McKnight:When is your event planned Evan|?
Glenn McKnight:I mean the tour?
Gordon Chillcott:I kind of prefer the tower, rather than the boat.
Garth Bruen:@Evan, yes
Gisella Gruber-White:Annalisa Rogers has joined the AC Room
Eduardo Diaz:I will say bring anyone that is interested.
Eduardo Diaz:Fill the bus!
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Annalisa - apologies - ROGER not Rogers ...
Glenn McKnight:Switched to cell phone
Gordon Chillcott:Agree with Eduardo
Annalisa:Hello everyone
Heidi Ullrich:Hi Annalisa
Glenn McKnight:
Heidi Ullrich:NARALO has already discussed the issue you requested
Glenn McKnight:It's a halloween charity event if people are interested in Toronto
Heidi Ullrich:Please see the notes in the Notes Pod.
Glenn McKnight:This might be fun thing for NARALO participation.
joly macfie:ISOC I'I'd
Darlene:Sounds like FUNNNN!
Glenn McKnight:It's also called the POWERHOUSE OF TERROR
joly macfie:ISOC is always Sunday and Tuesday.
Evan Leibovitch:so probably Thursday. Good "blow off steam" time
Kieren McCarthy:Link to survey?
Heidi Ullrich:The survey can be accessed via the following links: - NARALO-EN: - NARALO-ES: - NARALO-FR:
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies, the formatting is not correct:
Heidi Ullrich:NARALO-EN:
Heidi Ullrich:NARALO-ES:
Heidi Ullrich:NARALO-FR:
Heidi Ullrich:The link is also under Announcements on the NARALO portal
Heidi Ullrich:Please be reminded of the ICANN's Expected Standards of Behavior:
Glenn McKnight:Thanks for the post. Reminder People send out the link of the link
Evan Leibovitch:is there interest in picking an Interim Chair now?
Gisella Gruber-White:Seteh Reiss has just joined the call
Seth Reiss:Hello
Evan Leibovitch:just foir running calls?
Garth Bruen:@Glen, what is the exact site being squatted?
Evan Leibovitch:@ Glenn... talk to me later. I've been in contact with the guy who owns the site
Heidi Ullrich:NARALO Election wikipage:
Heidi Ullrich:Established election schedule:
Heidi Ullrich:Election Timetable for NARALO Call for election: The regional Secretariat will make a call for election July 6, 2012 Nomination period: Nominations shall be accepted between July 6, 2012 through August 5, 2012. Acceptance deadline: The nominees need to accept their nomination no later than seven days after the nomination period ends, i.e. August 12, 2012. Election: If no consensus is reached, an election will be held
Eduardo Diaz:I will not have any problem with Darlene but since Garth is running to be the chair, CAn he be interim chair now?
joly macfie:Once elected, yes
Evan Leibovitch:no motions needed. consensus, right?
Garth Bruen:I'm not going to comment on my the rules own potential appointment.
Gordon Chillcott:I agree with Evan on this
Eduardo Diaz:i agree
Garth Bruen:I recuse
Evan Leibovitch:so we're talking the date of election or acclamation, as appropriate
joly macfie:Agree
Heidi Ullrich: Motion: We appoint Darlene as interim Chair until such time when we have a Chair.
Heidi Ullrich:by election or acclamation.
Evan Leibovitch:gentle reminder: we are at the top of the hour
Eduardo Diaz:Same thing!
Eduardo Diaz:motion to close the meeting
Gordon Chillcott:Thank you, Darlene!
Annalisa:Thank you Darlene
Eduardo Diaz:Adios everyone!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you
Darlene:Great meeting!
Seth Reiss:Thank you Darlene
Silvia Vivanco:Good bye
Heidi Ullrich:Bye, thanks all.