2022-11-28 LACRALO General Assembly Organizing Committee Call
Date: Monday, 28 November 2022
Time: 23:00 UTC for 90 Minutes (for the time in various time zones click here)
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English Conference ID = 1638
Spanish Conference ID = 1638
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Zoom Room:https://icann.zoom.us/j/97138583388?pwd=emErWFJ0OTJRYjF0YnQxRFdFYXhldz09 / Password: LACGA2023*
Action Items: EN/ES
Recording: EN, ES
Zoom Chat: EN/ES
Zoom Recording: ES
Transcript: EN & ES
ES: Augusto Ho, Alberto Soto, Vanda Scartezini, Carlos Aguirre, Gerardo Martinez Hernandez, Hannah Frank, Laura Margolis, Lilian Deluque, Juan Manuel Rojas, Sergio Salinas Porto, Sylvia Herlein Leite,
EN: Claire Craig,
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Claudia Ruiz
Observer: Herb Waye
ES: Veronica and Marina
Call Management: Claudia Ruiz
- Asistencia - Staff- 1 min
- Bienvenida y Adopción de la Agenda - Claire Craig - 3 min
- Objetivos: (Vanda y Harold Sub Comite del Programa ) - total 30 mins
- Programa Borrador.
- Agenda dia 1 (LAC Digital Panel, LACRALO Statement)
- Agenda dia 2
- Programa Borrador.
- Comunicación de las Reglas aplicables a la Asamblea General de LACRALO -Carlos Aguirre /Otros abogados de LACRALO (15 minutos)
- Elección de Autoridades de GA
- Título III - Acerca de la Asamblea General Ordinaria y Extraordinarias - Notar Regla 11.3. Autoridades de la Asamblea 11. 6 (Quorum 50% + 1), 11.11.- Como regla general, la Agenda de la Asamblea debe ser cerrada 7 días antes de la reunión.
- Reglas : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LACRALO/pages/109762939/LACRALO+Draft+Rules+of+Procedure+2020+Borrador+Regla+de+Procedimientos+de+LACRALO+2020
- Introducciones de los Subcomités, métodos de trabajo y planes (10 minutos cada subcomite )
- Sub-comite de Promocion - Lilian Luque - (10 minutes)
- Comité de eventos Sociales - (10 minutes)
- Criterio para la distribución de cupos de viaje restantes - Augusto Ho - (15 minutes )
- Calendario para las tareas principales - Staff - (5 minutes)
- Programa borrador acordado (December 12). LAC Digital Panel tema a ser decidido para contactar a los oradores principales.
- Notificación a los participantes con los cupos restantes .
- Distribución de los cupos de viaje restantes = basados en el criterio a ser desarrollado por liderazgo y comité organizador.
- Siguientes pasos, siguientes llamadas 5 Diciembre, y 12 de Diciembre.
- Roll call- Staff – 2 minutes
- Welcome and Adoption of the Agenda – Claire C. Craig – 3 minutes
- Objectives: Vanda / Harold Program Sub Committee – 30 minutes total
- Agenda Day 1 (LAC Digital Panel, LACRALO Statement )
- Agenda Day 2
- Communication of Rules applicable to the LACRALO General Assembly - Carlos Aguirre / Other LACRALO Attorneys (15 minutes)-
- Election of GA Authorities
- Title III - About LACRALO Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assemblies- Note Rule: 11.3. Assembly authorities 11. 6 (Quorum 50% + 1), 11.11.- As a rule, the Assembly agenda shall be closed 7 days prior to the meeting
- Rules: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LACRALO/pages/109762939/LACRALO+Draft+Rules+of+Procedure+2020+Borrador+Regla+de+Procedimientos+de+LACRALO+2020
5. Subcommittee’s introduction, method of work and plans
- Promotion Sub-committee- Lilian Luque – 10 minutes
- Social Event Sub-committee – 10 minutes
6. Criteria for Allocation of Remaining Travel Slots – Augusto Ho – 15 minutes
7. Timeline for main tasks: Upcoming Deadlines – Staff - 5 minutes
- Draft Program agreed by (December 12th. ). LAC Digital Panel Topic should be determined ASAP to invite speakers.
- Notification of Attendees based on Remaining Travel Slots
- Allocation of Remaining Travel Slots – based on Criteria to be developed by leadership and OC.
8. Next steps, next calls as agreed on the last call will be December 5th and December 12th
Resources :
- Temas propuestos para la Asamblea General/Themes proposed for the General Assembly :https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiyKJsqgk4mhftyVn533F8wz98mRQqFgHuXGtCtDIdk/edit#gid=0
- LACRALO GA CONCEPT Reconnect, Re-evolve and Re-promote
- Wiki page : LACRALO General Assembly 2023/Asamblea General de LACRALO 2023
- Previous General Assembly: LACRALO ICANN 70 Virtual General Assembly - Asamblea General virtual de LACRALO ICANN 70
- LACRALO Rules of Procedure. Title III Section 11