FY20 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan Proposal- CROP

FY20 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan Proposal- CROP

FY20 Outreach Strategy

Outreach Goals:

  • Our goal is to increase the engagement of Latin American and Caribbean Island Internet End Users in the ICANN Policy Development Processes (PDPs).
  • Promoting the ICANN multi-stakeholder model and its bottom-up decision-making process through awareness raising and skill development.
  • Explaining how an Internet organization / association may become an LACRALO At-Large Structure (ALS) as well as how an individual can become an LACRALO member, especially in non-represented Latin American and Caribbean countries.

  • Promote spaces of interaction with the LAC community to promote knowledge and participation within the ICANN ecosystem especially in LACRALO


  • Participate in, or hold, events across Latin America and the Caribbean Islands, focusing specifically on countries without ALSes, using the following strategies:
  • Work in collaboration with ICANN’s At-Large staff and Global Stakeholder Engagement team on identifying potential events to target outreach and engagement activities.  This includes universities and other institutions.
  • Work with ICANN staff to effectively use the sources of funding available for outreach and engagement activities including RALO Discretionary Funding, the Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) and ICANN Learn online learning tools.

Expected Activities and Outcomes:

  • Ensure that at least 6 members of LACRALO are deeply engaged in the ICANN PDPs through either direct participation in GNSO PDPs or through active participation in the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group.
  • Develop outreach and engagement materials as well as work with the At-Large Sub-committee on Outreach and Engagement and At-Large Capacity Building Working Group to produce promotional and educational materials for use within LACRALO.  And with this material develop dissemination strategies within the different participation spaces that the region offers
  • Encourage current ALSes to hold Read Out Sessions after ICANN public meetings to explain the key achievements of At-Large and ICANN.
  • Develop effective processes to follow up with potential ALSes and individuals.
  • Promote the empowerment of Internet end users throughout the Latin American and Caribbean Islands regions to encourage greater user participation in ICANN-related issues.

  • Promote in these spaces of participation the involvement within icann and the culture of minorities such as Afro-Americans, indigenous people, women, youth and diverse population.

Other Details:

Initial List of Potential Events to Target:

Secure Summit LATAM - septiembre 25 - 26 de 2019 - Ciudad de México, México

LACNIC 32-LAGNOC 2019. Octubre 7 - 11 de 2019 Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá

Lac - iRoad Show - TBA

ICANN Meeting 67.March  7 - 12 2020 - Cancún, Mexico

Caribbean Internet Governance Forum - May 2020

South  School of  Internet Governance (SSIG) -  TBD


Celebración Día del Internet - Mayo 17

Date Submitted:


Acknowledgements Section

Note: To be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.



Who Confirmed?

Date of Confirmation


The detailed Outreach Strategic Plan has been properly completed per CROP requirements.


Juan Manuel Rojas


The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized this Outreach Strategic Plan.


Juan Manuel Rojas


LACRALO Leadership has been concurred with this Strategic Plan

The Outreach Strategic Plan has been concurred by the Stakeholder Engagement V.P.