Webex Chat: 2018-05-15 EURALO Monthly Teleconference

Webex Chat: 2018-05-15 EURALO Monthly Teleconference

05/15/2018    12:53:48 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Hello all welcome !

05/15/2018    12:56:53 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Welcome, All!

05/15/2018    13:03:38 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Please mute your lines if you are not speaking

05/15/2018    13:04:00 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Thank you.

05/15/2018    13:04:40 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            Hello Gisella, Oliver and All!

05/15/2018    13:05:11 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            Can anyone hear me?

05/15/2018    13:06:16 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            March : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EURALO/pages/105537264/Action+Items+2018-03-27+EURALO+Monthly+Teleconference

05/15/2018    13:07:37 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            Hello Silvia, do you need to enable my audio/mic ?

05/15/2018    13:07:51 PM    from claudia Ruiz to All Participants:

            Jean-Jacques, all lines are muted for noise, Plese let us know if you wish to speak so that we can unmute you. Thank you

05/15/2018    13:08:17 PM    from Yrjö Länsipuro to All Participants:

            Olivier's voice disappeared

05/15/2018    13:08:40 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            Hello Claudia, for the time being I have no audio, cannot hear anyone...

05/15/2018    13:09:07 PM    from Yrjö Länsipuro to All Participants:

            Now I can hear Olivier

05/15/2018    13:09:19 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            Still no audio for me...

05/15/2018    13:09:23 PM    from claudia Ruiz to All Participants:

            Can you hear Olivier now?

05/15/2018    13:09:30 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            Still not.

05/15/2018    13:09:56 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            And my laptop volume is up.

05/15/2018    13:10:12 PM    from Erich Schweighofer to All Participants:

            Sorry for being late. Communication problems.

05/15/2018    13:10:16 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Jean-Jacques, would you like Adigo to call out to you?  You do not have audio connected throug Webex

05/15/2018    13:10:41 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            GDPR third webinar will be scheduled for the last week of May - AI noted

05/15/2018    13:11:05 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            Sure +33678107085. But is there anything I must do on the laptop to enable? The volume switch is on, loud, but I hear nothing.

05/15/2018    13:11:46 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    13:11:54 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            ALAC public comment page above

05/15/2018    13:12:56 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Jean-Jacques, to connect audio through webex, go to communicate at the top, then audio connection

05/15/2018    13:13:07 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            In spite of occasional failuers, Adobe Connect seems to have been more reliable than Webex...

05/15/2018    13:14:08 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            I can now hear Olivier, thank you!

05/15/2018    13:23:04 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Hello all

05/15/2018    13:29:31 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    13:29:40 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Re-publica website above

05/15/2018    13:29:56 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            The re:publica in Berlin is Europe’s biggest conference on topics concerning digitisation and society, while also being one of the world’s most exceptional festivals on digital culture. …

05/15/2018    13:31:22 PM    from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:

            Thank you Silvia!

05/15/2018    13:34:27 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            EURALO to condsider a panel or talk to participate in Republica in 2019 and add this to EURALO's strategic plan

05/15/2018    13:34:33 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            AI noted above

05/15/2018    13:35:16 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Olivier and Wale to start populating the EURALO event calendar

05/15/2018    13:35:20 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            AI above

05/15/2018    13:39:26 PM    from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:

            Thanks @Silvia

05/15/2018    13:48:52 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            EURALO RIPE- MOU: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EURALO/pages/105526344/RIPE+-+EURALO+MOU

05/15/2018    13:49:25 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Correct all RALOs have MOUs with RIRs

05/15/2018    13:50:22 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            RIPE 76 : https://ripe76.ripe.net/programme/meeting-plan/

05/15/2018    13:55:55 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    13:56:02 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            EURALO elections wiki page above

05/15/2018    13:57:26 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    13:57:55 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Single candidate to the ALAC position

05/15/2018    13:58:40 PM    from Yrjö Länsipuro to All Participants:

            Consensus call

05/15/2018    13:58:47 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            @Olivier, it seems a bit late for a complete voting procedure. Consensus call would be ok.

05/15/2018    13:59:26 PM    from Salve Nilsen to All Participants:

            I don't mind a consensus call

05/15/2018    14:00:55 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            @Sébastien about Bastian's incomplete term: good point, we should take that into account.

05/15/2018    14:02:28 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Olivier to send an email Consensus  to the mailing list on re-appointing Bastiaan for another term as EURALO ALAC member

05/15/2018    14:02:58 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            for 48 hrs

05/15/2018    14:03:01 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            I fully support Wolfgang, and would be glad to second that nomination.

05/15/2018    14:03:40 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Wolfgang Kleinwächter SOI: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99726401/Wolfgang+Kleinw+chter+SOI

05/15/2018    14:04:15 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            I would like to hear each of the candidates state 1) what are the challenges for NomCom in 2019; 2) what is her/his strategy?

05/15/2018    14:04:19 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Anne-Marie Joly SOI: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99726395/Anne-Marie+Joly+SOI

05/15/2018    14:04:47 PM    from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:

            Official title is: ALAC Delegate to the NomCom representing the European region

05/15/2018    14:11:56 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            Considering Wolfgang's exceptional experience throughout ICANN, and his personal characteristics, i wish to nominate him as the candidate for ALAC Delegate to the NomCom representing the European region.

05/15/2018    14:13:26 PM    from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:

            @Jean-Jacques, the sleection will be done through a vote

05/15/2018    14:14:06 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            @Olivier, indeed. But does that exclude a Euralo member nominating someone?

05/15/2018    14:14:26 PM    from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:

            both Wolfgang and Anne Marie have been nominated. :-)

05/15/2018    14:14:32 PM    from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:


05/15/2018    14:15:19 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            @Olivier, point taken. What you are saying that, as a result of the current presentation by candidates, a further nomination is not acceptable?

05/15/2018    14:17:57 PM    from Olivier Crépin-Leblond to All Participants:

            @Jean-Jacques -- well, the nominations have already all been made. Both Wolfgang and Anne Marie have been nominated. So now, the next step is for a vote to take place. As an individual member you'll have to vote via the individuals association

05/15/2018    14:19:23 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            @Olivier, point taken.

05/15/2018    14:21:09 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            @ Jean - Jacques, kindly see the timelines for the elections posted on the wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99619281/2018+EURALO+Regional+Selections

05/15/2018    14:21:27 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            @Anne-Marie : challenges for the NomCom in 2019 ?

05/15/2018    14:21:51 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            @Silvia: yes, I was aware, and thank you for the reminder.

05/15/2018    14:24:39 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            @Anne-Marie and Wolfgang: thank you both for responding to my question.

05/15/2018    14:26:42 PM    from Jean-Jacques Subrenat to All Participants:

            @Sandra: we all owe you thanks, and warm compliments, for work done in the NomCom.

05/15/2018    14:28:46 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Thank you for your participation to all candidates

05/15/2018    14:31:04 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Elections start Friday 18 - Thursday 24- ballots wil be sent electronically by staff

05/15/2018    14:32:10 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Thank you for sharing the announcement, Olivier!

05/15/2018    14:32:14 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Evin Erdogdu <evin.erdogdu@icann.org> is in charge of organizing the  Social Media WG

05/15/2018    14:32:26 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            please volunteer

05/15/2018    14:33:23 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Thank you Silvia!

05/15/2018    14:33:25 PM    from Sandra Hoferichter to All Participants:

            bye all

05/15/2018    14:33:27 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Thanks all, goodbye

05/15/2018    14:33:38 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Thank you, esp the candidates.

05/15/2018    14:34:03 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Thank you all !