AC Chat: 2018-03-27 EURALO Monthly Teleconference
From Salve J. Nilsen to Everyone: 10:40 AM
Hei. I'm in through a call-in number from +47 9060 9835. My name is Salve J. Nilsen (ISOC Norway chapter)
From Evin Erdoğdu, ICANN Staff to Everyone: 10:51 AM
Hello everyone! I am on Adigo and in the Zoom room.
From silvia.vivanco to Everyone: 10:52 AM
Hello all
From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone: 10:52 AM
Hello everyone
From sana to Everyone: 10:56 AM
Hello everyone
From silvia.vivanco to Everyone: 10:56 AM
Welcome Heidi we are all first timers on this call
From Heidi.Ullrich to Everyone: 10:56 AM
Hi, All.
From Wale Bakare to Everyone: 10:57 AM
Hi everyone
From Yrjo Lansipuro to Everyone: 10:58 AM
Hi! Audio is much better than with Adobe Connect
From Heidi.Ullrich to Everyone: 11:01 AM
By clicking on both participants and chat, it looks quite a bit like AC.
From Wale Bakare to Everyone: 11:02 AM
You can use it on iPhone. Just need to download Zoom app from the App store
From silvia.vivanco to Everyone: 11:11 AM
will note
From sana to Everyone: 11:17 AM
I support this nomination
From Yrjo Lansipuro to Everyone: 11:17 AM
I also support the nomination
From wolfludwig to Everyone: 11:17 AM
Full support on this motion!
From Roberto to Everyone: 11:18 AM
We can do both. EURALO is important because here is where he has been active, but ALAC support will be a welcome plus
From Bastiaan Goslings to Everyone: 11:18 AM
@Roberto: I agree
From wolfludwig to Everyone: 11:18 AM
Plus 1, Roberto
From Wale Bakare to Everyone: 11:19 AM
I support it
From sana to Everyone: 11:20 AM
Have to repeat our support via e-mail?
From wolfludwig to Everyone: 11:20 AM
I can’t imagine that anyone may object!
From Evin Erdoğdu, ICANN Staff to Everyone: 11:23 AM
2018 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice: The Plan to Restart the Root Key Signing Key (KSK) Rollover Process has first draft posted:
From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone: 11:29 AM
Any questions to the KSK rollover? Any questions to the GDPR issue? Quick call: Can you access ?
From sana to Everyone: 11:30 AM
Cybersecurity, NIS Directive, critical infrastructure
From Bastiaan Goslings to Everyone: 11:32 AM
@Lutz: good questions. and thanks for reminding me that my ISP does not do DNSSEC validation ;-)
From Salve J. Nilsen ( to Everyone: 11:33 AM
Yrjö is very quiet
From Heidi.Ullrich to Everyone: 11:33 AM
No hearing you. Yrjo. very faint
From Bastiaan Goslings to Everyone: 11:33 AM
From wolfludwig to Everyone: 11:33 AM
… would say rather distant
From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone: 11:51 AM
I can hear you all but nobody can hear me please Yrjo next
From christopher to Everyone: 11:52 AM
Sorry. I don’t know whether anyone said what I said?
From wolfludwig to Everyone: 11:52 AM
From Me to Matthieu Camus: (Privately) 11:53 AM
Hello Matthieu, are you still on the line?
From Roberto to Everyone: 11:53 AM
I see that Olivier is back
From Wale Bakare to Everyone: 11:54 AM
Yes, i can hear Olivier I am hearing you, Olivier
From Matthieu Camus to Me: (Privately) 11:54 AM
hi claudia, yes
From sana to Everyone: 11:54 AM
I can hear Olivier
From Roberto to Everyone: 11:54 AM
I cannot
From wolfludwig to Everyone: 11:54 AM
I can’t hear him …
From Heidi.Ullrich to Everyone: 11:54 AM
unmute please, Olivier
From Wale Bakare to Everyone: 11:55 AM
I can hear Seb
From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone: 11:55 AM
Different poll: Are you DNSSEC KSK rollover ready? Test it yourself ->
From Wale Bakare to Everyone: 11:56 AM
It looks like mine is different - I hear everyone speaks
From Roberto to Everyone: 11:57 AM
Welcome back Olivier!
From christopher to Everyone: 11:58 AM
I shall forward my comments to WT5 to the EURAO List. I have said specifically that discussion of ISO 3166 should be discontinued. All the issues are with the geo-names which are NOT in the 3166 standard. WT5 is wasting a lot of time on ISO 3166.
From Matthieu Camus to Me: (Privately) 12:01 PM
I am here claudia
From Me to Matthieu Camus: (Privately) 12:03 PM
Good, we thought you hot disconnected
From Matthieu Camus to Me: (Privately) 12:04 PM
well, I did not hear any audio for a moment but it is ok now
From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone: 12:06 PM
Different poll: Are you DNSSEC KSK rollover ready? Test it yourself -> tool, Lutz! address without the "Good" good tool
From sana to Everyone: 12:10 PM
Any news regarding ATLAS?
From wolfludwig to Everyone: 12:11 PM
There was a question from Oksana regarding ATLAS III!
From Heidi.Ullrich to Everyone: 12:13 PM
The plans for funding it are continuing. The call for members of the ATLAS III Organizing Committee is scheduled to be out by the end of March or early April. @Matthias/Olivier, do you have the necessary EURALO outreach brochures? There are still funds for the EURALO Discretionary funds to be used by the end of FY18.
From Bastiaan Goslings to Everyone: 12:15 PM
haha - I can always wear my At-Large /EURALO hat
From sana to Everyone: 12:15 PM
@Heidi thank you. And what about F2F GA?
From Heidi.Ullrich to Everyone: 12:16 PM
The ATLAS III will inlcude GAs for all RALOs.
From sana to Everyone: 12:19 PM
No GA in Barcelona?
From Heidi.Ullrich to Everyone: 12:19 PM
No GA in Barcelona
From silvia.vivanco to Everyone: 12:19 PM
Thank you all !
From Bastiaan Goslings to Everyone: 12:20 PM
From Heidi.Ullrich to Everyone: 12:20 PM
Thanks, All.
From Salve J. Nilsen ( to Everyone: 12:20 PM
Thanks! See you next month. :)
From Wale Bakare to Everyone: 12:20 PM
Thank you all, bye for now!
From Matthieu Camus to Me: (Privately) 12:20 PM
thank you! bye!
From sana to Everyone: 12:20 PM
Thank you all ,bye!
From Matthieu Camus to Everyone: 12:20 PM
thank you! bye!
From Roberto to Everyone: 12:20 PM
From Evin Erdoğdu, ICANN Staff to Everyone: 12:20 PM