2020-09-10 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2020-09-10 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

Date: Thursday, 10 September 2020

Time: 14:00 - 15:30 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here)

How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638

¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia? Spanish Conference ID = 1738

Comment participer a cette teleconference? - French Conference ID = 1838

Zoom Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/99763903699?pwd=UzNmUHVDY0gyYlZiSGhYUGFUam9pUT09

Meeting Password : Region-LT1


EUR: Sébastien Bachollet, Natalia Filina

AF: Seun Ojedeji, Aziz Hilali, Sarah Kiden

AP: Satish Babu, Ali AlMeshal (apology), Lianna Galstyan, Pavan Budhrani

LAC:Sergio Salinas Porto, Harold Arcos, Carlos Leal Saballos, Kerry Omir Kerr

NA: Eduardo Diaz, Judith Hellerstein


EN: Sébastien Bachollet, Maureen Hilyard, Lianna Galstyan, Eduardo Diaz, Glenn McKnight, Alfredo Calderon, Nadira Al-Araj, Daniel Nanghaka, Natalia Filina, Seun Ojedeji, Sarah Kiden, Satish Babu, Judith Hellerstein

ES: Sergio Salinas Porto

FR: Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Aziz Hilali

Apologies: Ali AlMeshal

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Melissa Allgood, Adam Peake

ES Interpreters: Claudia & David

FR Interpreters: Claire & Jacques

Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar

Action Items: EN       

Zoom Chat: EN

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Transcript: ENES, FR


  1. Welcome and Roll Call – Staff (3 mins)
  2. Introduction and Review of the Agenda - Sébastien (5 mins)
  3. Discussion with Outreach and Engagement Sub-Committee Leadership to ensure Effective Collaboration and Communication – Natalia/Daniel/Regional O/E SC co-chairs (15 mins)
    1. RALOs and IGF20 (Global - Poland and local)
  4. Updating the criteria for the FY21 RALO Discretionary Funding to include virtual events – Heidi/All (10 mins)
  5. Updates on RALO Plans for FY21 – RALO Leaders and SC on O/E Regional -Co-Chairs (15 mins)
  6. Update on EURALO ICANN69 sessions Sébastien/Adam (5 mins)
    1. Part 1 – Thursday 15 October 2020 – 07:00-08:00 UTC – 09:00-10:00 Hamburg time
    2. Part 2 – Thursday 15 October 2020 – 08:30-09:30 UTC – 10:30-11:30 Hamburg time
    3. European Perspectives on ICANN and Internet Governance - A Stakeholder Roundtable
      EURALO sessions (organized by) Thursday 15 October 2020
      An open European meeting with rep from Europe of various SO/AC + Board + GSE + RIPE + CENTR + ISOC in 2 parts.
      The first one focus on ICANN “internal” topics and a second on ICANN and Internet Governance.
  7. Collaboration between GSE and the 5 RALOs – Sébastien/Natalia/Adam (5 mins)
  8. Planning the ICANN Regional Leadership Meeting Agenda ICANN69 - development of meeting agenda – Sébastien/All (15 mins)
        a. Regional Leadership Meeting is scheduled for 15 October between 14:00-15:30 UTC (followed directly by the O/E SC)
  9. RALO and future ICANN Meetings strategy – Sébastien (10 mins)
  10. AOB – Sébastien (5 mins)
  11. Next Call – Sébastien (2 mins)