RALO Member CROP Selection Guidelines

RALO Member CROP Selection Guidelines

NARALO Process and Procedure 

Scope of CROP Selection Committee

The  CROP Selection Committee is a three member committee who has the mandate to review all the  CROP applications. 

CROP Application Process

Three  trips per RALO are permitted by ICANN to include flight, stipend and hotel ( no registration fees).  The decision for these three trips are part of the  RALO Outreach and Engagemet  CROP Strategic plan.   Details on the CROP guidelines should be consulted as established by ICANN staff.     A  Google Form is created for each trip with the  appropriate questions per applicant.  The selection committee members agree to meet and review all applications  and provide their first and second choice. Upon their selection all the applicants will be contacted as to the decision and the CROP designate will work with the traveller to complete the CROP forms and inform the GSE of the application,  The travellers  plans for Outreach and followup will be discussed with the  RALO 

Selection Committee  Membership

  • Duration :  One Year (Not to exceed two consecutive terms.)
  • Number:   Three members ( one from Canada, two from different regions within U.S.). The chair or secretariat of NARALO  is  not  members of the Selection Committee.
  • If one of the members is applying for a  CROP trip they need to let the  NARALO leaderhip aware of their Conflict of Interest and the Chair and/or Secretariat will request a replacement (volunteer) for that specific request. 
  •  If prospect member is looking at apply for more than one CROP trip during term, they should not be appointed as a member of the selection committee. 
  • Public announcement at June meeting for  Committee membership  and they will be prepared to assess application from July 1  to June 31 (Fiscal Year Cycle).
  • Selection of the committee to be made by the Chair and Secretariat - preference given to new members of the committee

Selection Community Criteria 

  • Member Rules 
    • Its understood that only the names and content of the applications forms will be kept confidential.
    • Only the name of the  choosen traveller will be circulated on the public lists.
    • NARALO chair and secretariat are not members.
  • Evaluation of the  application will consider 
    • One trip per traveller will be allowed in a given FY.
    • All CROP travellers  need to complete the Google Application forms in full.
    • Incomplete forms will be disqualified.
    • Clear strategies will be judged for each application accordingly.
    • Clear understanding of the  NARALO Outreach Plan and integrated into the application must be evident.
    • Applicant is able and willing to deploy a marketing and Outreach strategy at the event  and a clear plan should be demonstrated in the application form.
    • A full committment to the trip and the obligations for final reports and verbal report at NARALO meeting. If written and oral reports are not met, future requests will not be considered.