Zoom Chat: 2019-05-02 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

Zoom Chat: 2019-05-02 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

08:43:20          From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the AAt-Large Regional Leadership Call on Thursday, 02 May 2019 at 16:00 UTC

08:43:49          From Claudia Ruiz : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CxXhBQ

08:47:51          From Mohamed (AfRALO) : Hello everyone

08:51:38          From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : HI EVERYONE!

08:57:08          From Maureen Hilyard : Hi everyone. Im on the phone bridge and muted :)

09:09:08          From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Wale Bakary

09:09:39          From Wale Bakare : Hi, Claudia. Thanks

09:10:53          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Is anyone actually watching if people have hands up?

09:11:00          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Does it work?

09:12:21          From Heidi Ullrich : @Olivier, staff can follow up with J and J.

09:12:30          From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Sorry for being late to the meeting

09:12:45          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : ok -- so where do we send our RALOs hot topics? Just put them on our WIKI page?

09:12:57          From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Indeed. Jonathan should be interfacing with the RALOs on hot topics

09:13:05          From Heidi Ullrich : @Olivier, is the Policy Hot Topics for the ALAC an issue that the CPWG could work on?

09:13:15          From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Yes

09:13:39          From Heidi Ullrich : @Olivier, there is a wiki page for the hot topics. You can send them to staff.

09:13:52          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : ok thanks

09:14:49          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Heidi - all RALO hot topics that are policy related shoud probably go through CPWG, yes

09:18:06          From Mohamed (AfRALO) : It will be great if a wiki page is created for ALAC hot topics which can include RALOs hot topics ( links/reference ), then we can follow the development of ALAC Hot topics

09:18:56          From Harold Arcos - LACRALO : +1 Mohamed,,

09:19:05          From Heidi Ullrich : Wow, Sergio! +1!

09:20:01          From Maureen Hilyard : I have my hand up :)

09:20:22          From Mohamed (AfRALO) : Maureen is next

09:20:25          From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : thanks!

09:20:36          From Maureen Hilyard : Thanks Mohamed..

09:21:29          From silvia.vivanco : I noted the AI

09:22:10          From Heidi Ullrich : @All, a wiki page already exists for the RALO Hot Policy Topics: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CRALO/pages/98636254/RALO+Hot+topics

09:22:42          From Heidi Ullrich : It would also be useful to invite GSE RVPs to any session discussing the At-Large (ALAC/RALO) hot policy topics

09:22:55          From Heidi Ullrich : So they could work on disseminating the info with you.

09:23:00          From Mohamed (AfRALO) : Thanks @Heidi for sharing the link

09:23:19          From silvia.vivanco : Action items are being noted in this meeting wiki page:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CRALO/pages/98640149/Action+Items+2019-05-02+At-Large+Regional+Leadership+Call

09:23:54          From Heidi Ullrich : RALO Discretionary Funding: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CRALO/pages/98635092/RALO+Requests+for+Funding+to+support+an+Outreach+Activity

09:24:21          From silvia.vivanco : RALO Discretionary funds wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CRALO/pages/98635092/RALO+Requests+for+Funding+to+support+an+Outreach+Activity

09:25:11          From Satish Babu : APRALO has a request in progress at this time...

09:25:38          From Claudia Ruiz : @harold you dropped-we are dialing out to you

09:26:39          From Harold Arcos - LACRALO : yes, thanks in advance Claudia,,,while I follow in zoom room

09:35:17          From Heidi Ullrich : @Mohamed, there is not requirement that people get their RALO’s support/approval

09:35:35          From Heidi Ullrich : They are asked to discuss the request with the RALO, but no guideline

09:35:59          From Heidi Ullrich : But that would likely be useful to ensure it is in line with the strategic plan

09:36:29          From Adam Peake : Thanks Heidi for the mention.  We, GSE, would like to help as we can with ATLAS, general assemblies and other activities. How can these be linked to regional strategies, how can GSE help perhaps add content etc to these events.

09:36:35          From Maureen Hilyard : GSE approved strategic plan is an important reference

09:36:40          From Adam Peake : I’m here to help as liaison between At-Large and GSE, and of course the RALOs have longstanding relationships with the regional VPs

09:37:20          From Maureen Hilyard : New criteria and application form should be brought back to this group for endorsement

09:37:38          From Heidi Ullrich : +1 Maureen

09:38:00          From silvia.vivanco : AI: Staff to edit the form to include the formal RALO approval of the request

09:39:14          From silvia.vivanco : AI: Remove stipend and include the reasonable expenses to be included on the form

09:40:30          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : It's a bit joke a CROP form

09:40:40          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : like a CROP one yes

09:41:12          From Lianna Galstyan : agree that o have it online

09:41:13          From Maureen Hilyard : Good advice for guidelines required for RALO leaders.. thanks

09:41:26          From silvia.vivanco : Clear - will note this as AI

09:46:18          From Mohamed (AfRALO) : @olivier : you are next

09:46:34          From Mohamed (AfRALO) : Then Satish

09:50:02          From Maureen Hilyard : @Olivier.. good point about identifying a venue

09:50:46          From Heidi Ullrich : @Olivier, EURALO and NARALO have had very successful GAs at non ICANN meetings

09:50:47          From Maureen Hilyard : But I think it is identifying a partner to co-locate a GA with is the key to this new idea

09:51:17          From Heidi Ullrich : They are more focused and open the participants to the work of their RIRs. Most At-Large members have been to ICANN meetings

09:51:29          From Heidi Ullrich : Regional IGFs are also an option

09:53:57          From Maureen Hilyard : Good points Mohamed.

09:54:19          From Heidi Ullrich : We’ve always had GAs for AFRALO in Africa

09:56:09          From Mohamed (AfRALO) : Sorry missed you @Eduardo

09:56:39          From silvia.vivanco : NARALO GA in New Orleans 2017: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110238866/Photos+from+the+2017+NARALO+General+Assembly

09:56:54          From silvia.vivanco : So you can check the records

09:59:46          From silvia.vivanco : Staff will need a tentative GA schedule by Marrakesh

09:59:50          From silvia.vivanco : We will note it as AI

10:00:08          From Claudia Ruiz : This call is scheduled for 90 mins

10:00:50          From Heidi Ullrich : @All, please note you could also identify a GA along a regional IGF

10:04:17          From Maureen Hilyard : Cute Mohamed

10:04:47          From Adam Peake : I need to leave the meeting.  Thanks everyone.

10:06:25          From silvia.vivanco : Agenda must be submitted ny the 3rd week of May 17th

10:06:45          From silvia.vivanco : noted

10:07:13          From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Motion to close the meeting

10:07:26          From Maureen Hilyard : Thanks Mohamed..

10:07:27          From sergio salinas porto LACRALO : byeeeeeeee

10:07:33          From Mohamed (AfRALO) : byeee

10:07:34          From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : bye all

10:07:38          From Mohamed (AfRALO) : Thanks all