Photos from the 2017 NARALO General Assembly

Photos from the 2017 NARALO General Assembly

The 2017 NARALO General Assembly (GA) took place during the 39th ARIN Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

NARALO  Individual photos
General Photos

Glenn's photo stream

Monday, 3 April

NARALO ALS representatives at at their Working Breakfast 1

ICANN Ombudsman Herb Waye presenting on ICANN’s new expected standards of behavior

Glenn McKnight, NARALO Chair and Judith Hellerstein, NARALO Secretariat outlining GA activities for the week.


Seth Reiss leading an ice breaker session. (photo by Glenn McKnight)


Evan Leibovitch and Marita Moll, NARALO ALS Respresentatives (photo by Glenn McKnight)


Silvia Vivanco, At-Large Regional Affairs Manager, addressing the ARIN Women's Networking Lunch. (photo by Glenn McKnight)


Floats at Mardi Gras World - ARIN Social Event. (photo by Glenn McKnight)


Tuesday, 4 April 2017


NARALO ALS reps, Marita Moll, Shelly Robinson and John More commenting on ARIN policy on community network.


Göran Marby, CEO of ICANN, speaking at ARIN.

Göran Marby, Garth Bruen and Tom Lowenhaupt at the NARALO Outreach Table. (photo by Glenn McKnight)


Susannah Gray, ISOC SF and ARIN 39 Fellow speaking at an ARIN Session

NARALO Networking Reception (photo by Glenn McKnight)


NARALO Networking Reception (photo by Glenn McKnight)


NARALO Networking Reception (photo by Glenn McKnight)

John More and Allan Skuce at the NARALO Networking Reception (photo by Glenn McKnight)


Wednesday, 5 April 2017

NARALO GA Group Photo

Göran Marby, CEO of ICANN, speaking at the NARALO GA

NARALO GA Break Out Session



Göran Marby and NARALO members speaking at Outreach Reception