AC Chat: 2017-09-25 At-Large Regional Leadership Call
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Regional Leadership Call on Monday, 25 September 2017 at 14:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:Yesmin i don't think Judith will be on the call today
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:Muted
Glenn McKnight:Olivier are you doing a session at the IGF Geneva
Glenn McKnight:correct Olivier
Yesim Nazlar:Hi Glenn - noted Judith as an apology, thank you!
judith hellerstein:Hi . I a her
Glenn McKnight:FYI Geneva Internet Platform session on Internet Governance monthly briefing
Glenn McKnight:Registration
Glenn McKnight:Tuesday, 26th September, at 11:00 UTC (13:00 CEST).
Satish Babu:My other number is +91 9447444331
Satish Babu:I do hope this one is better :-)
Glenn McKnight:Judith you are here, good, we can bring up the issue that Daniel discussed on Crop
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all welcome !
judith hellerstein:yes but need to reboot as I a no gettn ay soun
Lianna Galstyan:Hello all
Yesim Nazlar:Hello Liana
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:I can hear Satish perfectly well
Mary Wong:Hello all, my AC mic isn't working so I will dial in
Mary Wong:FYI that Benedetta is really the resident expert on all matters ABR and CROP related so I'll ask that she provides any information or answers you may need
Glenn McKnight:Recently Daniel asked why GNSO has one of their five trips can permit trips can be out of region. Can we look at this idea for us?
Satish Babu:Mary's next.
judith hellerstein:some reason my sound is not working
judith hellerstein:I am on adigo
Satish Babu:...followed by OCL
Glenn McKnight:Can here Mary
Glenn McKnight:hear
judith hellerstein:I can hear her on adigo
Glenn McKnight:joined the Adigo Line
Satish Babu:Yes,'re after OCL
Glenn McKnight:Trip Allocations (4 days, 3 nights maximum): Five (5) individual regional trips are allocated to At-Large RALOs including: AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO, LACRALO, and NARALOFive (5) individual regional trips which may include one (1) out of region trip if necessary, allocated to GNSO Constituencies including: Business, Intellectual Property, Internet Services Provider, Non-Commercial Users, and Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns.
Glenn McKnight:
Humberto Carrasco:hello everybody
Yesim Nazlar:welcome Humberto!
Glenn McKnight:My question is regarding the out of region idea for ATLARGE for one trip
Glenn McKnight: (1) out of region trip if necessary, allocated to GNSO Constituencies including: Business, Intellectual Property, Internet Services Provider, Non-Commercial Users, and Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns.
judith hellerstein:The question is why do we not have same ability to go out of region as gnso has
Glenn McKnight:Correct
Glenn McKnight:We just want an explanation
Mary Wong:Thanks, Glenn and Judith - Benedetta can provide this information (as she is now doing)
Glenn McKnight:listening
judith hellerstein:We have the same issue wth ARIN meetings
Glenn McKnight:Judith and I have a response to your comment
Mary Wong:The essential differences are that CROP allocations for At Large are via RALOs (and CROP is meant to be a regional outreach travel funding program), whereas the GNSO constituencies are not divided that way; this was borne out by the data and feedback gathered from the pilot phase.
Glenn McKnight:Yes i back up what Olivier is saying
Glenn McKnight:Satish please let Judith speak next then me
Satish Babu:Ali, you are after Judith
judith hellerstein:Yes I will address the ARIN issue
Satish Babu:Noted, Glenn.
Glenn McKnight:Keep me in the que too
Satish Babu:Sure.
Glenn McKnight:k
Glenn McKnight:noise on line
judith hellerstein:yes
Humberto Carrasco:We have the sale issue in LACRALO
Humberto Carrasco:same
Glenn McKnight:ok
judith hellerstein:Fine with me
Sarah Kiden:Hi everyone, joining AC now. Been on dial-out
Glenn McKnight:@Bernetta where is the link to your yearly report
Mary Wong:@Glenn, that report is being finalized and should be published soon
Glenn McKnight:Links to previous reports
Glenn McKnight:Judith is referring to one ARIN meeting in the West Indies
Glenn McKnight:Out of region.....
Glenn McKnight:Crazy
Glenn McKnight:no extra costs
Glenn McKnight:95% of members are from North America
Glenn McKnight:ie. Jamaica, Bermuda etc
Mary Wong:@Glenn, @Judith - is this a problem across all RALOs?
Mary Wong:Or just ARIN?
Glenn McKnight:We don't know
Glenn McKnight:includeing PR
Glenn McKnight:not the spanish or other language groups
Satish Babu:Not the same in other RALOs....but there are similar geographical overlaps everywhere...
Mary Wong:ok thanks
Glenn McKnight:Its critical since we have a MOU with the RIR as others do
Glenn McKnight:Building relationships
judith hellerstein:Can you unsynch the crop forms
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Benedetta Rossi:FY16 CROPP report:
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:We also need to resolve how CROP Coordinators are chosen .At present each region takes 1 person from FBSC & 1 person from Outreach & Engagement working groups. ALAC Chair needs to define this ASAP & refresh both FBSC & O&E WGs if the CROP RT needs to be refreshed.
Glenn McKnight:correct
Sarah Kiden:Agree with you Olivier
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Next European IGF is in what ICANN currently considers the AP region
Glenn McKnight:Its a once a year basis.
Sarah Kiden:I actually thought it was on a volunteer basis
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:I am fighting hard to get the Geo Regions decisions to be implemented by the Board but they are literally dragging their feet.
Glenn McKnight:it rotates between Canada, US and West Indies
judith hellerstein:For ARIN it is a yearly event. Since they want to have a meeting in each of their countries
Glenn McKnight:Mary, our GSE travel to the ARIN meetings in the West Indies
Glenn McKnight:It they go so should we
Ali AlMeshal:I have to leave bye now
Satish Babu:Ok, bye Ali!
Lianna Galstyan:bye Ali and safe travel!
Glenn McKnight:I think we need to have a document to dump all the issues
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:ok thanks Benedetta! That reassures me.
Mary Wong:Thanks, Glenn, for the info. And thanks, Olivier for raising the Program Coordinators issue.
judith hellerstein:We spoke to the GSE from LACRALO and they agreed with us to travel
Glenn McKnight:@Mary we can arrange a call to discuss in more detail with Judith if you wish
judith hellerstein:but our GSE said no
Glenn McKnight:@Judith it was funny they attended the 'out of region' Arin meeting, go figure
judith hellerstein:yes. was very funny
Silvia Vivanco:perhaps it would be a good idea to list all the CROP issues highlighted
Mary Wong:@Glenn I agree it will be very helpful to have a document where all of these issues are highlighted
Silvia Vivanco:we can make it an Action Item
judith hellerstein:yes. let us do that
judith hellerstein:Please unsynch
Mary Wong:Thank you - and we can use it as a basis for further discussion, with the view toward seeing if/how flexibilities can be addressed and of course toward future improvements especially on the various reporting mechanisms
Glenn McKnight:Yippee !0,000 per RALO.... Wait, its only 2,000,,
Glenn McKnight:NARALO has used it for the ARIN ON THE ROAD , vey successful
Satish Babu:OCL is next
Mary Wong:Thank you everyone - I will drop off now unless you would like either Benedetta or I to stay on for the rest of the call
Silvia Vivanco:RALO discretionary requests wiki page :
Satish Babu:Thanks Mary and Benedetta...much appreciated!
Glenn McKnight:ISOC SFC has also applied to attend the ARIN meeting in San Jose
judith hellerstein:thank you for coming on the call
Mary Wong:Thank you all! I look forward to continuing our dsicussion, and really want to thank you as leaders for putting a LOT of time and energy into this.
Benedetta Rossi:Thank you all! As a reminder, please feel free to address any further questions or comments to CROP staff:
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Mary and Benedetta!
Glenn McKnight:Please see the nice pins that Daniel used at the African Summit
Sarah Kiden:Glenn, AFRALO, not Daniel :-)
Silvia Vivanco:AFRALO Hot topics:
Humberto Carrasco:i was speaking
Glenn McKnight:
Silvia Vivanco:APRALO GA includes a discussion on hot topics :
Glenn McKnight:Buttons
Glenn McKnight:
judith hellerstein:we cannot hear you
Glenn McKnight:Yesim you have my link to the Hot Topics page for NARALO
Glenn McKnight:
Yesim Nazlar:yes, I do Glenn - hyperlinked to the agenda, thanks
Silvia Vivanco:EURALO Hot topics:
Silvia Vivanco:Sarah is ready to speka
Satish Babu:Sarah's next.
judith hellerstein:please unsynch
Yesim Nazlar:done
judith hellerstein:so we can scroll
Heidi Ullrich:Great to hear the status of the hot topics
Heidi Ullrich:Would be great to have them completed by the IGF
Glenn McKnight:As stated we are a bit behind schedule
Glenn McKnight:ie. webinars etc
Silvia Vivanco:We have the Hyderabad page on screen
Silvia Vivanco:but we basically can create our Agenda
Heidi Ullrich:Could we have one item on the Regional Leadership Session (not the RALO Development Session) on the review of hte hot topics?
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Yes, I agree - it would be good to have a specific call to discuss IGF
Silvia Vivanco:and add any items or methodology
Glenn McKnight:Excellent topic
Glenn McKnight:i know that NCUC is planning this for RIGHTSCON in March 2018 in Toronto
Silvia Vivanco:we will be working on Agendas with a deadline of Oct 5
Glenn McKnight:Please note call for papers at RIGHTSCON
Glenn McKnight:
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Please let us know Heidi. Thanks
Glenn McKnight:Please look at the colourful chart of the topics which some of us should consider. I can do this event locally. We need to submit a proposal to them
Silvia Vivanco:We will have an Outreach table at Abu Dhabi for APRALO and At-Large and a sign up sheet will be sent around
judith hellerstein:i am also involved in day zero
judith hellerstein:I am going. I am involved in 2-3 events
Lianna Galstyan:I will also attend the IGF
Glenn McKnight:Thanks we need to have everyones name
Glenn McKnight:dEV SETUP A PAGE
Glenn McKnight:looking
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Wiki page was created
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:it is not linked to this call's agenda
Silvia Vivanco:noted Daniel
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:please link it and make it easily findable
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:Updated with Lianna Galstyan on the page
Glenn McKnight:Need more names
Lianna Galstyan:I know that Ali is planning also
Glenn McKnight:yes, i will add him now
Lianna Galstyan:@Glenn, I'll try to find more names and update you
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Glenn McKnight:Please note this page
judith hellerstein:Sarah Kiden isfunded
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Judith adding
judith hellerstein:she is speaking on day 0
Glenn McKnight:Looks like i need lots of more content for the flyers
judith hellerstein:I am still workin on my funding
Heidi Ullrich:+1 Glenn
Heidi Ullrich:There are plans to discuss in Abu Dhabi
Sarah Kiden:Will be nice to discuss more
Glenn McKnight:great
Heidi Ullrich:Also, thanks to Glenn for thinking about the FY19 ABRs.
Heidi Ullrich:That process will start in December.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:it was an excellent call. Thanks for leading this like a master Satish!
Satish Babu::-)
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Satish and all
Lianna Galstyan:Thanks all, bye.
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Thanks Saticjs
Satish Babu:Thanks and bye!
Glenn McKnight:bye
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Bye
Sarah Kiden:Thank you all
Sarah Kiden:Bye