APRALO Action Items 14.03.2012
1) Holly mentioned everyone in APRALO to tell staff if there are any meaningful events near their region and staff could add it to the Wiki page.
2) Cheryl asked APRALO to think of someone to be part of the outreach WG
3) Secretariat to get someone to be in charge of the dashboard and make sure it is updated often
4) Members to ask staff to send brochures of APRALO for certain events
5) Staff to give update about Arabic and Chinese version of Brochure
6) Cheryl asked someone from APRALO subcommittee to be part of the ALAC rules of procedures and metrics sub group
7) Regarding Consumer trust, Choice and Competition, Staff should get the presentations and transcript from Costa Rica meeting up on the Wiki soon
8) For IDN variant issue, APRALO should submit their comment about this, given it had a 21 day extension.