APRALO Chat 21.06.11

APRALO Chat 21.06.11

Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.

Seth Greene: The "Web Links 2" pod at the bottom left contains the links expected to be used in this meeting.  Highlight the desired link and then click "Browse To."

Pavan Budhrani: hi seth

Seth Greene: Hi, Pavan.

Seth Greene: Please refresh the agenda page now.

Pavan Budhrani: i am on the call

Heidi Ullrich: Hi Pavan,

Heidi Ullrich: Is Edmon going to join?

Pavan Budhrani: Edmon should join soon

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Yes - and thank you very much for the input re: IDN variant

Heidi Ullrich: There will be another FY12 Budget call next week

Heidi Ullrich: Call for volunteers for IDNs: http://icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-20apr11-en.htm

Heidi Ullrich: You should be able to use an ICANN venue at no cost

Heidi Ullrich: Also, Sunday evening may be a good day as Monday may be all about the new gTLDs, Tuesday is music night and Wed is the Gala

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Coming back to the ALAC statement on the RAA - this will be discussed in the ALAC call in a few hours

CLO 2: I've lost audio

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: me too

Pavan Budhrani: same here

Seth Greene: The static is quite bad.  One moment, pls.

Gisella Gruber 2: Can everyone hear now?

Seth Greene: Cheryl, are you still able to listen?

CLO 2: fades in and out  but better

Seth Greene: Okay, thanks.

Gisella Gruber 2: Cheryl IS on mute so please keep an eye on hands raised

Heidi Ullrich: All the recent ALAC statements are available at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacdocs/overview

CLO 2: As I'm on mute  I'm happy  for Edmon to give our  report 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Post Expiration Domain Name Resolution (PEDNR)

CLO 2: Reminder  fpor the  Community Briefing on SSR

Seth Greene: Cheryl, you are now unmuted.

Gisella Gruber 2: Cheryl has been unmuted

CLO 2: this is a VERY  BAD  time  for APRALO  AQLSes

CLO 2: ALSes


Heidi Ullrich: SSR Briefing with Patrick Jones: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99529990/Community+Call+on+SSR+18.10.10+-+Briefing+Call

Heidi Ullrich: Patrick's slides will be posted on the agenda page shortly.  They will provide significant information.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: yippee!!!

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: This is like playing "wack-a-moleé with windows appearing and disappearing

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: very well indeed

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: with the next meeting taking place in the region, it would be good to have a podcast ready for Singapore

Heidi Ullrich: A

Heidi Ullrich: APRALO ALS pages: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/APRALO/APRALO+ALSes

Heidi Ullrich: I believe all APRALO reps have editing privileges

Heidi Ullrich: members, that is

Heidi Ullrich: The ALS pages are for the ALSes

Heidi Ullrich: They should be able to use any language they wish - but they should include EN to some extent

CLO 2: We may for example need to have an EN Synopsis   fpr docs  etc.,

Heidi Ullrich: Cheryl, Roman will be addressing this ST/Confluence issue during tomorrow's ExCom call

CLO 2: Oh dear  *sigh*

CLO 2: You  DID  GREAT  THANKS  Charles!!

Heidi Ullrich: Bye!

CLO 2: Bye all

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Well done

Will Tibben: Finally can hear