APRALO 07.12.2010 Summary Minutes
Participants: Hong Xue, Fouad Bajwa, Edmon Chung. Terry (ISOC Hong Kong), Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Pavan Budhrani, Vivek Anand
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger
The meeting was not quorate.
Key Policy Issues:
Hong: The main issue is the new gTLD guidebook. There is a heated debate on many issues, one of them being the NTIA letter and in particular, the economic study.
CLO: Vertical Integration will affect our region. We need to work with regulators to ensure that consumers understand the choices we have.
Hong: Cross-ownership is an important consumer issue. In addition to that, anti-trust laws in many parts of Asia are not very robust which creates risks for consumers.
Edmon: I agree with this characterization. We should put this into action.
Update on WT B
Fouad: We have looked at various solutions to make our volunteer work easier. eg. Posterous is one of the services we might look into further.
Regional Policy Priorities
Hong: We need to prioritize on policy issues. Please check out my IDN updates online. We have an IDN WG and the ICANN staff person responsible for the public consultation on the Review of IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process ensured that we can submit our comments after Decemer 16th. The fasttrack process is developing into a PDP. IDN Whois is also a major issue.
CLO: APRALO should ask for a briefing on IDNs.
Edmon: When I was on the GNSO council, I was the co-Chair of the internationalized data WG.
Recommended Action: Staff will organize a an At-Large briefing on IDNs at an Asian-friendly time.
Cheryl: I would also like to point out that we elect the new IDN liaison this week.
Edmon: I am happy to accept the role of IDN liaison. If you feel it is appropriate, then I am happy to take on this role.
New gTLD
Hong: this is a very interesting issue. We will probably have another WG on that.
Edmon gave a presentation on behalf of Charles Mok on the draft APRALO policy advice schedule.
Recommended Action: Staff will coordinate with Charles Mok and WT C on the policy advise development schedule presented at the APRALO meeting today.
Hong: I suggest that during every APRALO meeting, we should list the open public consultations and their status.
APRALO Cartagena Report
Hong: Thanks to Pavan for submitting the Cartagena report. We have accomplished a lot of important things, among them the regional officer elections and the At-Large Board Director elections.
Set Priorities for Coming Trimester
Hong: there are several projects for teh coming trimester: the policy plan, the planning process for our activities at the Asia meeting in 2011 and organizational matters. For example, Fouad brought up the idea to review our bylaws.
Recommended Action: Staff will consult with the APRALO list whether the next APRALO teleconference should be held on December 21st or January 4th.
The meeting was then adjourned.