Action Items: 2020-05-06 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference
Action Items: 2020-05-06 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference
- seun.ojedeji and AFRALO leadership will send a call for topics and members of the drafting team for the AFRAL0-AFRICANN meeting at ICANN 68
- Heidi Ullrich to re-schedule the elections calendar vote to start on May 22 and end on June 5th. The Deadline for acceptances will be extended until 18th
- Heidi Ullrich to organize a call with GSE and At-Large regional staff along with Regional leadership to discuss AFRALO's FY21 AFRALO Strategy plan
- Chokri Ben Romdhane will get in touch with AFRALO leadership to organize a Post ICANN 68 read out with ISOC Tunisia.