AFRALO Durban Showcase Summary Minutes EN 2013-06-26

AFRALO Durban Showcase Summary Minutes EN 2013-06-26

Summary Minutes from Durban Showcase on 19 June 2013:

-  FSS to contact Coura

She did not respond. Contacted Nena. I will not get help from Anriette, she won't be able to gather the local community.

If no support from Google:

- FSS to phone Ariette from APC

-FSS contacted Titi

- Afrinic accepted managing the funds and

- Google has confirmed 16,000 $ will go to travel support. and $ will go through AFRINIC.

-Heidi  reported from At Large support there is only ONE flight available.

-Matt will work with Fatimata developing a TRAVEL budget.

-Heidi suggested that Universities be contacted .(Link contains all the information of the Universities-teachers and students).

-Tijani to send emails to Uniforum

Next step: Do a table to include all the sponsor students/people.


ICANN Speakers:

1) Fadi Chehade

2) Olivier Crepin Leblond

3) Pierre

4) Tarek

5) Steve Croker


Heidi: Room is large and will have interpretation.