FBSC Action Items 2014-10-02
For Recommendation 2, the FBSC is to work with the Outreach and CBWG to identify the process and people involved in order to identify the cost involved in this recommendtion.
For Recommendation 40, the details are to be more researched and the actions to be more developed. The aim is to promoate ALSes, At-Large and to bring people together. FBSC to work with TG5 Chair/rapporteur? to Define & explain "budget requests not related to travel"
Provide a list of example promotional material.
Provide a list of example events.
Recommendation 41 : To ammend the recomendation including "outside ICANN".
Recommendation 42 : ALAC FBSC to work with CT the costs of RALO regional Assemblies at:
- an ICANN meeting (5-6 days)
- a Regional Event (2 days)
- Regional ICANN Offices (2 days)